Chapter 4: Theories

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After leaving Willow's room, the Sins came downstairs to the bar, trying to process any information they had just received.

"What do you think she is Merlin?" Meliodas asked the floating orb that currently held Merlin's soul. She had lost her body in battle; it having turned to hard, stone as a punishment for lying.

"I'm dissappointed to say this but I truly have no idea. She can't be human as her healing abilities are far too great. As well as this, she possesses the power to heal others and the magical ability of full counter. There aren't many things I don't know in this world but she is something I really can't seem to work out." Merlin admitted, curious over the origin of Willow.

"Full-counter can be learnt by anyone like any other magical ability. It's difficult but not impossible." Melidoas spoke out, trying to justify how Willow could have these powers.

"Am I the only one that still doesn't like her?" Ban questioned, looking around the bar at all his comrades.

"Yes. Yes you are Ban" King answered in a split second, rolling his eyes and sending Ban a dirty glance.

"I don't think there's a reason to dislike Lady Willow. I haven't spoken to her yet but she saved your lives and that's enough of a reason for me to trust her. You guys never saw her in action because you were passed out. She put her body in front of Galand without any fear or second-thoughts. She faced a whole commandment on her own to save a group of people she didn't even know. I think our trust is the least we can give her." Elizabeth stated softly, not understanding how the others could possibly have doubts.

"I agree with Elizabeth." Hawk said, trotting to stand beside Elizabeth, squinting at the other Sins.

"Didn't think the Sins would ever be ridiculous enough for it to come to this but alright, all in favour of trusting Willow, raise your hands." Meliodas said while raising his own hand.

Everyone in the bar raised their hand apart from Ban, who remained in the corner of the bar, no emotions present on his face. King looked towards Ban once again, annoyance clearly visibile on his voice and insults threatning to spill, however he managed to remain silent. King and Ban have always had a love-hate relationship. They constantly insulted and teased eachother, constantly got mad at eachother over the smallest of things but when it came to it, they wouldn't hesitate to sacrifice their life for the other. This was the case for most of the Sins. Despite whatever terms they might be on, they would all be willing to die for the others, it's just how they worked.

"We still don't know how much Willow is actually capable of, because something tells me she has way more tricks up her sleeve that we have no idea about." Diane suggested, her voice getting quieter towards the end of the sentence.

"Yeah I've realised that, which is why she's going to fight me as soon as she gets better." Meliodas announced, his smile turning into an innocent grin whilst looking around the room.

"Captain are you sure that's a great idea? I mean no offense but you're way weaker than Galand and she defeated him without breaking a sweat." King replied with uncertainty laced in his voice while scratching the back of his head.

"Yeah I'm sure. It will be great practice for when the commandments decide to strike again which I'm guessing won't be long from now. And plus, I need to get stronger one way or another, why not get beaten up by a girl." Meliodas laughed while the other Sins chuckled lightly.

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