Chapter 6: Injuries

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The bodies of Meliodas and Willow lay motionless as the rest of the Sins circled around Meliodas, not knowing how to help him. King was the only one who rushed to Willow's side, trying to apply pressure to her wound in order to stop the bleeding but it was useless.

"Hey can someone help me?" King spoke out, his voice shaky as his hands got more and more bloody. Everyone continued worrying about Meliodas, almost as if King was invisible and his voice was silent.

"CAN SOMEONE HELP ME?!" He shouted, earning a few jumps from the others.

"Our Captain is down, you should be worrying about him, not her." Diane answered, worry and a hint of jealousy present in her voice.

"Our Captain doesn't have a massive hole in his stomach." King hissed, annoyed at his close-minded comrades.

"She deserved it for what she did to our Captain." Diane said, narrowing her eyes at Willow's body.

"The person we call our beloved Captain went berserk mode and almost killed her; she was just trying to survive, something all of you would've done in that situation." King spat out, his hands shaking as he struggled to stop the bleeding.

The Sins looked from Meliodas' body to Willow's and back again, inspecting the injuries each of them had. Meliodas had quite a few bruises dotted around his body as well as a wound on his forehead which was starting to bleed slightly. Willow on the other hand was a complete wreck. She had bruises and cuts all over her body as well as a giant hole placed in the centre of her stomach. After moments of consideration, Merlin floated towards Willow, putting a hand on her forehead while eyeing her stomach and the blood oozing out quicker and quicker by the second.

"Any normal human would've been dead already from that much blood loss. I don't know how good her healing abilities are so in all honesty, I don't know if she'll make it out alive. The best and only thing you can do to help her is to patch her up and hope it's enough." Merlin spoke, looking towards King and signalising for him to do that. King put one hand on Willow's lower back and slipped the other under her knees as he picked her up bridal style, trying his best to avoid hurting her even more.

"I'll help." Gowther said, walking towards the Fairy who had started heading out the cave.

King looked towards him and gave him a small smile, a sign of appreciation and thanks. He flew as quickly as he could towards the bar, Gowther not far behind him. As they got in, they rushed upstairs to the guest bedroom, placing her gently onto the bed.

"Gowther go get rubbing alcohol and bandages." King ordered, rolling up Willow's shirt to reveal what looked like an actual murder scene.

Gowther soon came back, handing King the items. He applied alcohol to the wound, wincing as he imagined how painful that must be. When he finished, he cut off a bit off the bandage and rolled it around Willow's stomach, blood already managing to seep through the white material.

"Will that help her?" Gowther questioned, eyeing the red liquid that was slowly oozing out from under the bandage.

"I don't know." King said truthfully, trying to calm his shaking hands.

"What do we do now?" Gowther asked, tilting his head to the side while looking out the window just in time to see the rest of the Sins hurrying towards the bar with Meliodas.

"We wait." King answered, slouching down into a chair while running his fingers through his hair.
hii it's me again, i just wanted to apologise for not updating this story for ages but i had quite a bit going on. im also sorry if the story seems slow atm, most of these chapters are filler chapters for the action in the future which is why the story is pretty slow for now. anywya thats all i wanted to say, make sure to comment and vote. baiii :)

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 09, 2020 ⏰

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