Chapter 5: The Fight

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Opening her eyes, she was met with a blinding ray of sunshine coming from the bedroom window as birds chirped happy melodies. Squinting, Willow pushed herself into a sitting postion, hissing slightly at the pain radiating from her shoulder-wound. Before she could even begin to think about anything, her stomach let out a low growl, making her realise just how hungry she was. After many minutes of contemplating, Willow finally decided to get up and walk downstairs in hope of decent food. Reaching the final step, all the Sins turned to look at her as she flashed them all an awkward smile.

"Glad to see you're feeling better Willow." King spoke, his voice deeper than usual as he just recently woke up.

"How's your wound? Is it healing well?" Meliodas asked, eyeing the bandage on her shoulder.

"It's fine actually. It's still a bit sore but other than that it's perfectly fine" She answered in a reassuring tone. As she said this, Elizabeth got up from her seat and made her way towards Willow.

"Hello Lady Willow, it's a pleasure to finally meet you." Elizabeth spoke softly, her eyes twinkling with happiness. Willow shook her hand gently, sending her a geniune smile while replying.

"It's lovely to meet you too Elizabeth."

"Are you hungry Willow? I saved you some food in case you were." Hawk asked while pointing towards a plate that lay on the bar table.

"I'm starving actually, thank you very much Hawk." Willow replied, patting the pig on the head while walking towards a bar stool to sit down. She ate the first bite, then the next, and before she knew it, the whole plate was gone. She wiped her mouth with the corner of her sleeve, worried she made a mess considering how quickly she consumed the food.

"Well now that she's eaten, do you want to enlighten her about your amazing plan Captain?" Diane asked Meliodas, raising an eyebrow towards him.

"What plan?" Willow questioned, looking between Diane and Melidoas, curiosity laced within ther voice.

"Well you seem like a very worthy opponent and someone we'd want on our side, so I guess I wanted to fight you to test out just what you're capable of..." Meliodas said, his voice trailing off towards the end while he scratched the back of his head.

"I don't want to hurt you." Willow stated sincerely, shaking her head slightly.

"Trust me, you won't. I can handle way more than you think." Meliodas said in an attempt to reassure Willow. She stared at him for a second, trying to decide whether this is a good idea or not. After several moments of thinking, she bit her lip and said,
"When are we fighting then?"

"Meet me at 6 downstairs. There's a cave nearby which we can use to fight."

*time skip to 6*

Willow made her way over to the cave, as the sun set and the world around her began to darken. Soon enough, she reached her destination, all the Sins already there. They looked at her as she made her way over to them, concern visible in all their faces apart from Meliodas, who hid all his emotions behind a wide smile.

"You ready?" Meliodas asked in a cheery tone, being weirdly excited about the fact he was probably going to get badly beaten up.

"Let's just get this over with." Willow answered, letting out a slight sigh.

"The same rules apply as if this was a fight between the Sins. Should the circumstances become too life-threatning, the other Sins will intervene and do anything in their power to stop you." Merlin spoke out calmly, not worrying about either of them.

Meliodas and Willow looked at eachother before nodding; a sign they were both ready. As Willow was about to enter the cave King grabbed her lightly by the wrist and said
"Please be careful Willow, you don't know what the Captain is capable of."

"He doesn't know what I'm capable of either." Willow said, smirking slightly as she entered the makeshift arena.

Meliodas and Willow stood at opposite ends of the cave, hands at their sides and eyes digging daggers into the other. They might have not disliked eachother, but when it came to fighting, they both wanted to win, and emotions weren't going to change that.

Meliodas was the first to make a move as he swung his sword staright at Willow's head. She dodged it with ease, grabbing his wrist and twisting it in the opposite direction. A loud crack echoed through the cave walls as Meliodas let out a slight hiss of pain, however he recovered quickly, sending multiple blows towards Willow. She dodged them all, the last few being inches away from slicing her. Meliodas stopped for a second, giving Willow an opportunity for a counter attack. She swung at Meliodas multiple times, him dodging each one gracefully. A slight cheer could be heard from the audience, Elizabeth to be exact, and this made Meliodas lose his focus, giving Willow the perfect opportunity to strike. Balling her hand into a fist, she brought it with full-force towards Meliodas' jaw, sending him flying into the nearby wall, a few rocks falling out and dust sprinkling down on the duo.

Meliodas stayed motionless for a few moments and Willow could sense something was wrong. All of a sudden, he raised himself from the ground, a large, burgundy bruise already forming on his back. As Meliodas turned around, Willow was met with a pair of purple orbs, and a once-innocent face filled with pure evil, a series of tattoos covering it. His eyes showed no emotion, and they looked almost trance-like. Almost like something clicked in his mind, Meliodas started running towards Willow, as if he wasn't in control of his own body. At the speed of light, Willow was sent straight into a wall, not having any time to defend herself or attack back. She landed on the ground, letting out a slight groan from the sudden impact, feeling multiple bruises forming on her body already. With no break, Meliodas was now above her, sending multiple punches towards all parts of her body. She tried to escape however he dragged her back, straddling her with all his strength, cutting off any chances of her escaping. More punches were thrown as she struggled to defend herself against them, the pain she felt increasimg more and more within single seconds. Within all this pain, Willow suddenly felt a cold and stinging sensation in her lower stomach as the metal taste of blood filled her mouth, Meliodas' sword sitting right in the centre of her stomach.

"I just healed from my last wound and you're already giving me a new one? What a gentelman you are." Willow choked out, letting out a low chuckle in an attempt to distract herself from the pain she currently felt.

Meliodas stared at her emotionless, as if he wasn't aware of anything going on around him. He continued sending punch after punch, blow after blow as Willow spat out more and more blood. After several sets of blows, Willow managed to mutter out
"Sorry about this buddy. Revenge counter."

As she said this Meliodas was sent flying back, as the cave trembled in fear from all the impact it had just faced. Landing on the floor, Meliodas fell completely unconcious, bruises and wounds filling his body. Willow tried sitting up but failed, slipping straight back to the floor and spitting out even more blood. The fight was officially over. The Sins rushed into the cave, running towards their injured Captain. Elizabeth was the first to get to him, putting her hands over his body in attempt to heal him.

"Why can't I heal him?" She shrieked, panic and desperation taking over her body.

"You're not strong enough yet." Willow managed to mutter out, barely having enough energy to talk, let alone move.

Using all her energy, she crawled towards Meliodas at a slow pace, falling multiple times while trying to do so. When she got there, she closed her eyes and winced in pain as she used her last bit of strength to try and heal the Captain. The room was momentarily lit up by a golden light, before darkness took over not only the room but also Willow.
A bit of a longer chapter today to make up for not uploading for so long :/ Hope you enjoy this one :)

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