Chapter 2: Decisions

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"I don't trust her" Ban said, eyeing the unconscious girl laying on the bed.

"She saved our life. If it wasn't for her a lot of us would be dead right now, including me. We don't have to trust her, but I think she deserves a chance to explain herself or at least tell us who she is" Meliodas spoke, looking at the girl with sympathy, giving her a sad smile while sitting beside her on the bed.

"She defeated a whole commandment on her own, which is something all of us put together haven't been able to do. Not only that, she used full counter, isn't that supposed to be your magical ability Captain? It seems a bit sketchy if you ask me" Diane stated, looking at the Captain wearingly.

"She never actually defeated the commandment, Galand just ran away before the attack could hit him. The attack itself might have been very weak in power. We can't make any solid conclusions from that one encounter" Gowther said without much emotion, staring at the girl that lay in front of him.

"Well the fact he had to run away from it says something doesn't it? I mean no-one, especially a commandment, just backs out from a battle they can easily win. It wouldn't make sense." King spoke out for the first time in the conversation before returning his gaze onto the mysterious girl.

"I say we kill her before she kills us. I mean she's clearly more than capable of it" Ban said, shrugging his shoulders while placing his hands into his pockets.

"You want to kill the person who was willing to sacrfice their own life to save a bunch of strangers? You really want to have that on your conscience Ban? Look I know we don't know a single thing about her but that doesn't make her a bad person, it just makes her a mystery that we need to solve. If she really is this powerful then don't you think we should get her on our side, because last time I checked we don't stand a single chance against the commandments." Meliodas ranted while pointing violently in the girl's directions, breathing slightly heavily from his sudden outburt.

Everyone exchanged glances with eachother before looking towards the floor, the room falling silent. Meliodas looked at each of his comrades one by one, them all having ashamed looks on their faces from how quickly they decided to judge the girl that saved them from death. Ban remained unbothered in the corner of the room, indifferent to her fate.

"That's what I thought." Meliodas stated, annoyance laced within his voice as he looked towards the girl again, brushing a single bit of hair from her face to reveal her completely clear complexion as silence fell upon the bedroom once again.

A lot of long moments passed, and the girl remained unconscious. Anyone walking past would mistake her for being dead; her face was pale and her eyes were completely shut while her body was frozen in place.

Ban got up and was on the verge of leaving, however as he did this, the girl stirred and let out a soft groan, before her eyes slowly opened, adjusting to the light. He spun around in her direction, as everyone leant forward in their chairs, questions they wanted to ask her flooding their minds. Using the only strength she currently had, she pushed herself up into a sitting position, before finally opening her eyes, revealing two, dark blue orbs. Her eyes darted around the room quickly, landing on the faces of the people surrounding her. Her breathing quickened as she got more and more worried about her whereabouts. Finally, she mustered up the courage to say something, her voice barely a whisper,
"Where am I?"
Hi again! If u read this, pls comment to tell me whether there's something I should improve or change to make it better to read, this is my first time writing on wattpad so i'm still learning :)

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