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*4 years later*

It's my last week of college and I'm getting ready for graduation. So much has happened these past few years. Jaxon went into the army after high school and I haven't heard from him since. Raelyn, well she disappeared with her girlfriend a year ago. I have no idea where she went. Rumors were she got raped by a guy at a party and now she's pregnant? She wouldn't tell me anything, I tried to be there for her but all she wanted was her girlfriend. My dad? He passed away last week. He was in and out of hospitals since my first day of college. He had a really bad stroke and ever since then things just went downhill. I still can't believe he's gone. I miss him like crazy. I even got a tattoo in honor of him, it's on my ribcage. Now, Alex Morgan. She contacted me the day I ended things until the last day of my freshman year of college. I got my number changed because I didn't want her to to keep contacting me. I had enough. She tried explaining to me multiple times that it was all a misunderstanding but I didn't want to listen. I'm actually dating someone new. Her name is Ellie. We've been dating for almost 4 months now. She's amazing but somehow even after all these years, I still miss Alex.

"Babe?" I turned around from my spot in the chair at my desk. I saw Ellie waking up and moving her hand around to look for me. I cracked a small smile.

"Yeah? I'm right here." I quietly said, getting up from my spot and joining her in bed. She cuddled up next to me and I kissed the top of her head.

"What time is it?" I picked up my phone that was laying on the nightstand and saw it was very early in the morning. I guess I stayed up later than I thought.

"It's 2:36 in the morning." I was running my hand through her hair because I know that helps her sleep.

"Why are you still up?"

"I was doing some homework. I'm sorry babe. I'm here now. Let's get some sleep, yeah?" I wasn't necessarily lying to her. I was trying to do homework but all I could think about was my life these past 4 years but I mostly thinking about Alex and how it would've been if her and I were still dating. Ellie is great but she's not Alex. I feel bad because I feel like I'm leading her on which I probably am but I'm really trying to be the best girlfriend for her. She has a soccer game tomorrow or well I guess it's today now. Yeah, she plays soccer. She's amazing at it. I heard that there's going to special guests at the game. I wonder who it could be.

"Babe. Go to bed please." Ellie said while looking up at me.

"I'm sorry. I'm going to bed now." I laughed a little bit while leaning down to kiss her lips. Yeah, they're nothing like Alex's lips.

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