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      I decided to just go meet Ellie at her apartment after the whole conversation with Alex. I didn't want to be alone. I know she said she'll pick me up but why not go and surprise her. I stopped and got flowers on the way to Ellie's apartment.

      I knocked on Ellie's apartment door and her best friend creaked the door opens little bit.

"Oh hi Y/n. Um I thought Ellie was picking you up at your place? I think you should go back and wait for her!" Her best friend said nervously and looking anywhere but me.

      I pushed open the door because I was not about to deal with that bullshit. I hear what sounded like moans coming from Ellie's room however. I rushed over to Ellie's door and shoved it open. There Ellie was in bed with someone. I couldn't even get a good look at them. I guess Ellie didn't hear me, so I turned around and headed straight home. Why does everyone have to cheat on me?

      I headed back home. I blocked Ellie on everything. I didn't want to talk to her but as I was blocking her I saw I had a text from Alex.

I hope she makes you happy.

     That's funny. She always did have bad timing. I wish I could just find one girl that won't cheat on me. I heard a knock at the door so I went to go get it.

"Some balls you have to show up here." I said to Ellie crossing my arms. I was doing the pose Alec was doing to me.

"What do you mean? We have a date tonight?" Ellie asked. She looked like a lost animal and not a cute one anymore.

"Why don't you go on a date with the person you were fucking 30 minutes ago!" I spoke loudly while shutting the door in her face. She must've gave up because I didn't hear any mire knocking after that. I didn't have any plans for tonight so I just decided to stay home and watch tv and do homework. I had a week left of school and I was going to finish it without any distractions. I missed my dad. He would know what to do in this situation. He knew what to do when Alex cheated on me. For some reason this breakup didn't hurt as bad as Alex's breakup. I honestly don't think I liked Ellie. I saw her more as a friend than anything. Oh well. She decided to cheat on me. I'm a free woman and I can do my own thing and not have to worry about anything! Except college for another week.

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