Chelsea Slutgomery: Chapter One

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I kiss his cheek then raise up.

"Chelsea, I have a girlfriend" he says

My happiness fades.

Hi, my name is Chelsea and I am just now being broken up with..with the school's player, Brad Peller. My name is Chelsea Montgomery..I also have a horrid nickname but yeah..back to the story. Sorry for wasting your time.

I grab my things, button up my shirt and smile because there is nothing to cry over..especially not a stupid fucking boy.

I walk out the back of his house and feel the sun, warming my skin. I start walking to my house. The sun begins to make me sweat as I walk by a blue house that has been empty for 2 years. There is probably only the dead that live there now.

          I pull my mini skirt down then keep walking, I see I am really close to my house; and I can't wait to take these heels off which are absolutely killing my feet. When I  get to my door,I take my key out of my bra and open the door.

I close it quietly and run up the stairs, hearing my older sister listening to her horribly loud music. I go into my room, locking my door and changing my clothes quickly and rubbing off my black mascara and eyeshadow.

My parents should be back in 2 hours and I haven't even started my chores or made dinner!

             I put my hair in a messy pony and run downstairs grabbing a bucket, a broom, and a wash rag out from under the stairs room. I go into the kitchen and take 2 frozen pizza's out of the fridge and put them in baking them on 350°.

          I pour water in the bucket and poured a little on every step of the stairs. Then washed them with the rag. Then I swept the kitchen and wooden hallway. I also grabbed the sweeper and ran it in the living room.

I had one hour to finish the pizza. Shit! THE PIZZA. I run back into the kitchen and take it out seeing it a little bit burnt on the bottom. I cut little square pieces of pizza, setting them on a plate then throwing the burnt pieces of pizza away.

         I put some pineapple and mandarin oranges in a big bowl then made some brownies and set them in the oven. I wiped the sweat speckles off my forehead and washed up and set the table and as I set the last fork down, Mom opened the door.

       I smiled at her and watched Dad carry 4 big bags of groceries. I grabbed 2 from his arms and dug through them finding my poptarts, my crackers, and my Little Debbie's brownies. I grabbed them and took them up stairs and set them in a clear spot on my shelf in my room.

I jogged back down giving mom a hug and dad a kiss on the cheek. They took off their jackets and sat down as I yelled up at Shelly(my older sister)to come downstairs.

She sits down with her phone in her hand and Mom and Dad, we grab our food. We eat as Mom and Dad talk about financial things. I finish and tell mom I have to do homework.

I kiss her and Dad's foreheads then go upstairs, lock my door, turn on some soft music then put on some black mascara that was hidden in my closet.

I go to the back of my closet and grab a black mini dress and heels. I put it on and head out my window.

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