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After finishing up in galar Ash is now getting closer to his house Go decided to go with him they where getting pretty close.
"how much longer Ash?"
Asked Go Ash chuckled at his friend
"Not that much longer now just to the end of this route then we get to pallet!"
Exclaimed Ash the raven haired boy. "Pikachu!"
The boy's mouse said happily,it was Go's turn to chuckle as his hebunny came out of it's poke ball. The two Pokémon which where our two hero's Starters started racing each other.
"Let's race to!"
Exclaimed both the boys

I wanna be the very best like no one ever was!
Everyday is like a vacation
Hey hey hey are you ready to go
Pokémon Pokémon Pokémon
Advanced Battles Glactic battles
Just you and your friends!
Rise to the challenge
Rise to the challenge
Gotta catch'em all
Rise to the challenge
Rise to the challenge
Gotta catch'em all
Rise to the challenge
Rise to the challenge
Gotta catch'em all
Rise to the challenge
Rise to the challenge
Gotta catch'em all
Under the alolan Sun/moon

The two boys and the two Pokémon where racing then Go realised Ash Had a massive head star because well he actually knew where they where going.
"Hey Ash where are we going?"
Asked Go as they continued to run.
"To Pf.Oak's lab!"

-At the lab__style change now-
Serena:Ha that useless boy is gonna be betrayed
Pf.Oak:un hand his Pokémon right now
Gary:Yep or else!

Go:You win again
Ash:Yep good job Pikachu Huh? Oh no Go run! Go:What?

Serena:How dare a stranger come into this group
Ash:leave him alone or else seren-
Bonnie:Shut it loser!
Swayer:you are stupid
Tracy:trouble manger
Delia:all you ever do is get into trouble sure there silly goons but your 10 you are not allowed to leave this ranch-

Ash walked over to his Pokémon
Ash:do you agree with them

All his Pokémon but Greninja and Pikachu ran straight to the traitors.

Ash started glowing and in his place stood a different person greninja and Pikachu knew it was secretly ash.

"Who are you?"

Asked Misty cause of her hot headed personality she just had to know.

"Who am I? Let's see a ha!"

"I'm Sanatorium Sanatorium Guzma got that?"

Sanatorium's eye flashed a bright blue as Squishy appeared where the eye was focused and went into his one of his poke balls the man grabbed Greninja's returning it and Pikachu.

15 years later

"Elite Lance(not the champion.) you have a challenger"

Said second to Final elite four member Cynthia(not champion.) as she walked in taking Sanatorium with her Lance looked at Sanatorium and smirked he sighed.

"Well then let's not keep the crowd waiting?"

Asked Lance he then glanced towards Sanatorium. Lance took out a poke ball he threw it then he yelled

"Blazakin GO!!!!!!!"

Sanatorium smirked as he grabbed a poke ball which he then threw while shouting

"Lucrio I chose you!"