~the guest visit~

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It had been about 30 minutes where we left off last chapter Sanatorium had Nebby in his poke ball his Pikachu,Lucrio & greninja where his normal Pokémon team where the only ones allowed out.

"It's still shocking seeing someone catch Solgaleo i always thought ash was gonna be the one to catch Solgaleo"
Said Gladon in deep thought about his old friend.
"He was I Challenged him he used Solgaleo he told me he was dying so he gave me his time which was The Pikachu,Lucrio & greninja you see Now well truth be told he gave me all of the Pokémon he had on him I tried to refuse but he forced me"
Explained Sanatorium hoping his cover story would work he knew that ash was lying he could say that which is true kinda.
"Alright I want to have a battle with the team he used then!"
exclaimed Gladon Sanatorium nodded grabbing his back pack which rowlet came out of no where and landed in his back pack.
"Pika chu?"

Sanatorium looked at the two Pokémon and chuckled he put down his back pack and grabbed 2 poke balls from it.
"Lucrio Greninja Return for a bit okay?"
Asked Sanatorium as he returned them.
"Pf.kukui can we go have a battle now?" Asked Kawie eager to battle. Sanatorium chuckled as he was ready whenever they where allowed to.
"Yes were all gonna watch your battle."
Said Kukui as everyone ran out to the battle field.
"Alright Charizard let's go!"
Shouted Kawie throwing a poke ball,ready for the battle he glanced to see Sanatorium throw a poke ball.
"Lucrio I chose you!"
Shouted Sanatorium as he threw out his poke ball ready for the battle himself.
"Plasma blast!"

The two Pokémon did there moves which knocked out Charizard Sanatorium returned Lucrio he then threw another poke ball

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The two Pokémon did there moves which knocked out Charizard Sanatorium returned Lucrio he then threw another poke ball.
"Greninja I chose you so let's make it count!"
Exclaimed Sanatorium with his Pokémon coming out of his poke balls.
"Return Cubone I chose you my final Pokémon!"
Said Kawie ready for battle both trainers flying to notice Rottom Dex flying over to the battle so he could deliver a letter to Sanatorium.