New Career

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It was beautiful.

The vibrant trees was a great contrast to the busy streets of Los Angeles. The sun was setting and it made everything glow before the buildings starts to light the streets.

"Do you like the view?"

A raspy voice drifted my attention away from the scenery, not that I minded though since it was my husband, Justin. I wasn't able to speak since I was still in awe from the view.

I slid my arms around his neck, bringing him closer to my body. Nothing was being stated from the two of us until he cleared his throat. "You didn't answer me, do you like the view?" Justin said with amusement.

"Justin, I love the view. It is so astonishing and beautiful, something that makes me want to get out of bed even when I'm tired, just to look at it."

He replied with, "I love it as well, it makes me happy."

I glanced at him to see that he was already staring at me and then it clicked...he wasn't speaking actually about the scenery.

I was the view.

I sighed and picked up my empty mug then headed inside to the kitchen. The warm hardwood flooring beneath my socked feet. "I'm not joking Angelica, you make me so happy," He states while sitting down on the red stool, continuing to watch me.

I closed the dishwasher after starting it then turned to look at him. His sweet caramel eyes stare into my blue ones while I made my way over to him.

Justin stood up and placed his warm hands onto the small of my back, his plump lips coming down onto mine. I felt like I was on cloud nine and no one could pull me down. He moved his head and slipped his hot tongue between my lips and it started to dance with mine.

This nice make out session was cut short when we heard Grace clear her throat. She was dressed up in her dance attire, all ready for the competition today. Her brown hair that seemed to be getting lighter each day, was pulled in a floppy bun which I assumed she did all by herself.

My little independent 1 year old.

Her eyes were burning holes into mine, she always thinks she can win at staring competitions but I am the master. On a side note, her eyes are so beautiful. They are big and brown, just like her father, but they have specks of gold embedded into them.

She ended up blinking which declared me champion at this game...maybe next time young padwan.

Honestly, I didn't think she could do it.

But she proved me and everyone else in the crowd wrong.

Grace stood there, holding a medal up to reveal that she indeed won a dance competition. The other dancers looked jealous that a 1 year old beat them.

I cheered for her like any other mother would. Feeling a soft hand grab my own I tilted my head to see my 21 year old husband sitting there with a big smile across his face.

I still can't get over the fact that Justin and I have been married for 1 year now. The honeymoon, oh the honeymoon, that was such an amazing time. We went to a private island in the Caribbean and every day it was something new.

Not to mention that we had sex probably every 3 times each day.

1 year later we are sitting here trying to not bring attention onto us, it was all about Grace today. But I feel like that is the only good part of our lives right now.

We have no privacy, the paparazzi will not stop at anything until they get a picture of Justin. They recently found out were we lived and came onto our property. Grown men are following us around so they can get paid.

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