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I still couldn't get Cassandra in Justin's dressing room out of my head. My blood was boiling with anger and I started to feel a headache coming on. I went downstairs from the bedroom to retrieve a pain killer pill and a glass of water.

I washed the pill down with the water. How could I find out what she was doing in there without acting like a possessive bitch.

I walked pass the gym we have in the house and saw Justin lifting weights. Even if I was very angry at the moment he did look very sexy. His biceps were big and I could see how concentrated he looked. He wasn't sweating so I am guessing he just started.

It felt normal until Cassandra popped right back into my mind, blocking my thoughts about my sexy husband working out. I let out a loud angry sigh then threw my hands to my mouth.

Justin didn't seem to notice because he was listening to music with headphones. I want him to tell me what happened without me having to ask him.

I walked into the room while he turned his back to me to pick up a water bottle. I looked at the bible passage inked onto his shoulder blade, then my eyes drifted to his back dimples.

Fuck, no stay concentrated.

I looked around the gym to find something I could do. Oh, I'll do stretches. I faced the mirror while reaching my arms to my toes while looking at Justin through the mirror.

He turned around and looked over at me, a small smile appeared on his face. He took one headphone plug out of his ear which gave me an idea.

I brought my arm behind my back and stretched it while moaning like I was doing something really hard. Justin's teeth bit down onto his bottom lip, it looked like he could draw blood from how hard he's biting down.

I inwardly smiled.

I got down on my hands and knees, facing the mirror, and stated to reach my arms out even further so my ass got pushed out more. I could feel his caramel eyes burning holes in my ass.

"Babe," Justin whined while walking towards me.

I got up and walked past him while saying, "I have to make dinner."

I already know Justin was following me since I could hear his footsteps close behind. I opened the fridge and took out the chicken I was defrosting and started to fry it with some seasoning.

"Angie what's wrong?" Justin asked while standing beside me.

"Cassandra," I muttered while flipping the chicken breasts over.

"What did she do?"

"Why was she in your dressing room, in only a towel?"

I turned my head to him and watched his eyebrows furrow. "She said her shower wasn't working so she used mine," Justin replied then leaned in and kissed my cheek.

"I love you," He whispered in my ear.


Dinner time at our house was loud and with lots of laughter but today was different.

Grace sat there with a pout to her lips, her chicken nuggets almost done.

She loves them so I call her my little nugget.

I was picking at the chicken not feeling hungry. "Baby, baby, baby ohhhhh," Grace sung loudly wanting us to have some excitement. Justin let out a laugh, all day he was just out of energy so it was nice to hear it.

"I want brother or sister!" She randomly yelled.


"Not right now, nugget." I put my plate in the dishwasher then went to watch TV. A recent interview from Justin's was on so I turned the volume up louder.

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