Green Eyed Boy

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The next day was hard. We stayed at a hotel for the two concerts in New York and everyone decided to have breakfast downstairs but I stayed behind. I'm not in the mood to deal with everyone today.

The door opened to Justin holding a plate of food, I brought the quilt over my head. I heard the plate being set down and his hands tore the fluffy covering off my body. I laid there in sweats and my sports bra staring at him.

"I'm sorry," He whispered, not looking like he got any sleep either. "I went back to the arena to see the security tapes and saw what happened...I feel like shit knowing that I didn't believe you and I said you sucked at dancing-" He went into the bed with me and spooned me from behind.

"It's okay," I spoke after a slient minute.

Justin exhaled loudly,"No it's not...Angie I messed up once again and you can't keep saying that it's okay."

"Babe, I love you and in the moment you were angry so you said harsh things but I forgive you so please leave it at that."

He started to give my neck small kisses then it stopped so I guess he fell asleep since his breathing got softer.

Being in his arms and feeling the warmth of his body radiate onto mine, I felt my eyes slowly shut and I got the sleep I desperately craved.

After the concert the crew went to one of the most popular clubs to celebrate. The music blasted in my ears while I sat on Justin's lap on one of the couches. While everyone else was dancing or drinking, we wanted just to enjoy each others company.

Justin had a couple shots of vodka but he wasn't drunk to the point where he doesn't know where his butt is. He whispering cute things into my ear while I was laughing.

I'm glad the attention wasn't on us since Justin was being very touchy. "Wanna hear a story?" He said right next to my ear, my whole body was on fire because of how close he is to me.

"One time while I was in the club with Fredo, he tried asking a girl out but he ended up getting a drink thrown at him by her girlfriend."

I widened my eyes and trailed my eyes around to find Fredo, he was talking to red headed women. Justin's hands came up to cup my breasts, I gasped and felt goosebumps arise on my arms. "Justin, stop," I stuttered and pushed his hands away.

He then slid me off of him and walked to the bar making me sigh with frustration. Things have not been the same between us, I hate it, Justin hates it but the media...they are loving it.

I went to find the nearest bathroom but tripped somebody and their phone fell. "Oh sorry," I gasped and bent down to grab it for him when I stood back up I noticed his eyes.

They were such a nice green. It was a dark shade of it but they sparkled. "Thanks babe," He said with a charming smile making my insides flutter...fuck I shouldn't be feeling this. I walked away only to bump into Cassandra on the way. Her red drink splashed on my white dress, the cold liquid sent shivers down my body.

"Oh, I'm sorry Angelica...I didn't see you there," Her voice was so irritating it made me want to go puke my insides out. I now went back to the bathroom.

"Wow what happened?" The boy I just met asked me.

He has a Australian accent, damn it. "Some bitch spilt her stupid drink on me but it's fine," I stated making him raise his eyebrows.

I felt a warm hand be placed on the small of my back, I turned my eyes and it was Justin who was staring at the guy with his jaw clenched.

"Hey baby," He emphasized the word baby then he leaned down to give my lips a quick kiss.

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