Lunch Time

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Change is good.

This is the phrase that I kept repeating to myself over and over again while walking up to the rehearsal area for Justin's new tour.

People change things up all the time.

After showing my lanyard to the security guard, I waltzed my way in the room where my husband and his friends stood. They looked happy. He looked happy, what a change from what last year was like.

His eyes shot up and widened, "Angelica! You look stunning!"

I smiled and ran my way over to him, embracing him in a hug. After this he ran his fingers through my now short hair. I got it cut and now it stops at the top of my breasts.

I am so glad he loves it. "I wanted a change, do you like it?" I asked him while fiddling with the flannel tied around my waist.

"I love it," He replied while pushing my body against his, "it looks so amazing."

"Aye, sorry to break you love birds up but we have to go Justin," Khalil interrupted our moment there. I sighed while taking a step back, he has to work, I understand.

They started to walk away then all of a sudden Justin ran back towards me and started to walk till my back hit the cold wall. He kissed me slowly while his soft hands were underneath my shirt at the small of my back.

I brought my hands slowly up his chest then I knocked his snapback of his head so I could tangle my fingers in his soft hair. I opened my eyes halfway through this kiss to see his friends at the doorway with a smug look.

He pulled apart and took a deep breath.

"Can I stay here and kiss you all day?"

His eyes glazed over with desire towards me with his brown eyebrows raised a little. I noticed the little scar on his cheek, a few beauty marks scattered on his face...he is a work of art.

"As much as I would love that you need to go and see your fans," I stated while clutching on the collar of his oversized white t-shirt.

"I love you beautiful," Justin yelled while walking back with his friends then out the door. I slipped my phone out and started to play music while absentmindedly scrolled through Instagram.

Seeing I was tagged in a photo from Khalil I clicked the picture.

It was Justin and I kissing a few seconds ago with the caption: Married Life.

I inwardly laughed my ass off at the comments. Of course it was filled with hate but it was funny. Justin commented with emojis, when does he ever use them.

After a while of doing nothing I stood up and started to walk around the streets of Canada. It's nice that he decided to rehearse here because it gives us chances to be closer to our families.

I popped my earbuds in and started to listen to some pop music. I ended up walking by a highschool. Some were doing homework while others were talking, normal teenage stuff.

Justin's Point of View

Oh my god, I did it. I went blonde.

My now bleach blonde hair hid under a grey beanie since I wanted to surprise everyone. Walking into the rehearsal area, I felt so happy to show off my hair.

I walked into the room where Angie was supposed to be in. The room was empty so I continued to walk around till Angelica walked back into the room.

She ran to me and jumped on me so I wrapped my arms under her thighs.

After the little makeout session, Angelica accidentally knocked off the beanie. She gasped, "Justin Drew Bieber...what did you do?"

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