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His room was way to small for him. Way to suffocating. Way to cramped but, of course Toby was used to having a small room due to his life before Slendy but, he was pacing around and with each step it seemed like the room was sinking in. The brunettes arms were wrapped around himself and his eye kept twitching. He was desperately trying not to chew his hands off as his breathing became jagged. It seemed like his entire room was closing in on him. He was convinced it would soon swallow him whole.

The reason he was so worked up was because he had that dream again. The dream with a girl that he could barely remember. He knew he had some connection with her. Maybe a best friend, a sister, a cousin. He knew that she meant something to him before he went all hacky hacky and stabby stabby. In his dream the girl was just standing there. Staring at him. She was so pretty but she was bleeding then...then she started screaming. God those screams! Those ear pricing howls of pain mixed with fear. They are burned into his head and He can't get rid of them. He never felt like this with any of his victims that's how he knew he didn't kill her. He knew that whatever happened to this poor girl was not his fault. Who is she? Why does he care so much?

He missed whoever she was and desperately wished he could get her out of his mind. His pacing become stomping without him even noticing. Each step was loud enough for a few other members in the house to notice which is probably why a few knocks animated from his door. When the male didn't answer a raspy, sleepy and mostly annoyed voice called out to him.

"Hey, Twitchy can you calm down? I swear you are shaking everything and probably woke half of us up." Toby knew that voice. It was non other then Jack. Eyeless Jack or Ej to be specific. There were to many Jacks in his opinion. Toby couldn't be mad at Jack for asking him to shut up. It was a odd time to be out and about but Toby did roll his eyes at the nickname. Even though he wished to comply with the others demands his just couldn't stop his legs from pacing back of forth.

Not even a minute later the door soon swung open to revel Jack in all his glory. Toby cursed himself for not locking his door yet he knew even if he didn't the other could get in with ease. For some reason he had his mask on which he usually had off at home but Toby couldn't focus on that at the moment. The twitching teen needed to calm himself down before he punched through a wall which would really wake up the others.

Jack could tell that something was up instantly. Toby was usually pretty quick to joke or jab but this time his was quiet and on edge, even his ticks were hyper active. "Toby you have to chill out. You are going to wake Sally then you are really in trouble." He said in a slightly worried tone as he stepped into the room, shutting the door with his foot. "Those screams...those goddamned screams..I keep hearing them for no reason Jack. I know I didn't hurt whoever that girl is...I wouldn't." Toby had to pause in between what he said to take a deep breath.

Toby snickered as he placed his hands on his head and pulled his hair lightly. God he was insane. He knew he was a while ago but this is different. He actually felt insane. Jack just stood there and watched. He didn't know what to do and frankly he was a bit scared to touch the other. Not about his own safety but in fear of making Toby's mental state worse. Slowly Jack reached his hand out and gently placed his hand on the other's shoulder. For some reason something in Toby snapped. Because he did something he never would.

His head whipped up and he quickly lunged at Jack. You could hear a small gasp from Jack as he air got knocked out of him. The poor masked male didn't have enough time to get away before Toby's arms were wrapped around his body and a head was slammed against his chest. Jack was speechless to say the least and he didn't exactly know what to do. Well at least he wasn't stomping around anymore.

Toby's grip was tight as he stared at the floor. This felt good. He good squeezing the "life" out of Jack. Even his uneven breathing pattern began to settle back to normal. "Can you hug me back Jack-ass?" Toby said through a small chuckle that only made him cough due to not having enough air. He was trying to make the other feel less awkward with poking fun but it back fired because now he was having a small coughing fit. Jack did find it amusing as he didn't say anything. He just wrapped his arms around the other. He couldn't lie, hugging the holding the twitchy teen in his arms felt pretty good but it's not like he would say that out loud. Toby then had a amazing plan. The best plan! A plan that wouldn't fail! A plan that would probably end in a punch to the arm....But still a plan!


Now they were both on the bed. Jack was startled but Toby wasn't he just curled up to the other. "Just stay here for tonight. So I don't wake up Sally." The boy smirked as Jack growled at the fact that his own words were held against him. "Don't say a word to anyone."Jack mumbled as he wrapped his arm around the shorter male. Toby absolutely beamed as he scooted closer to the other. He didn't think that would work but it did. Point one, Toby. Toby passed out first which was expected but was was not expected was that Jack slipped his mask up a bit to kiss the other's forehead, mumbled "dork" and fell asleep combing his fingers through the others hair.

Eyeless Jack x Ticc TobyWhere stories live. Discover now