Chapter sixteen

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Monday morning came way too quick, I'd been awake a lot last night worrying about the interview and also about that email. Why did I write that? Why didn't I wait for the girls? I'm sure they could have helped me write something better!?
On the plus side though when I did sleep I had the most amazing dream. It was of course about Ben, he arrived outside work on a white horse to whisk me off my feet in true knight style. He still had that mask on which was weird but I suppose it's the only way I knew him. He was still unbelievably gorgeous though, spiked brown hair, shining blue eyes and extremely kissable lips. He took me back to the party only this time there were no alarms and the kiss finally happened.
At this point I woke up again but at least we made it to the kiss in dream world.
I looked at the clock 7:30am "omg" I thought to myself I can't be thinking about Ben right now, I must get ready, my interview is at 10am. I got showered, dressed and managed a quick breakfast before grabbing my notes and heading out.

*after the interview*
I walked out of the interview relieved it was over, I think I answered everything ok and I made it through my presentation without any disasters. The lady shook my hand outside the door, "thankyou very much, your presentation was excellent, it really made me think, well done" she said "we have interviews going on all week but you should hear from us by Friday, Saturday at the latest" "Thankyou so much for your time" I replied and I left the building. I turned my phone back on and had 2 messages from Law and a missed call from Marie.
"Good luck in your interview, I'm sure you'll smash it xx" followed by "oh and hurry home after, I wanna hear all about what happened last night - you better have spoken to Mr Dreamy" I text Law back, "thanks, I think interview went well will know by weekend xx" I thought I'd leave her wondering about Ben since there wasn't really much to tell.
I then rang Marie back and told her how my interview had gone "how was last night?" I asked. "It was a good night thanks, Jay was amazing as always. You were missed though" she told me. "ahh thanks, there's always next time" I laughed. "I'm just on my way to see Jay but will be home later for a proper chat" she said "ok then I'll see u later, byee"
I arrived back at our apartment after grabbing dinner. Law immediately turned the tv off and patted the sofa next to her, "come on, sit, I wanna know all about you and Ben" I laughed at her excitement, "How come you're not at work?" I asked while walking towards her and sitting down. "I booked the day off, didn't think I'd be up for it after last night...and I was right" she laughed "now stop avoiding the question.... you and Ben? ...Spill!"
"There's nothing to say" I shrugged, "and yes I did email him before you start haha, he hasn't replied yet though and I'm not sure he will"
"There's plenty of time, I suppose I was being very optimistic thinking he would get the message and reply straight away" Law smiled at me trying to convince me he would reply. "What did you say?" I showed her my email "awful isn't it" I cringed as she read it, "I didn't know what to say but I still should have put something better then that" Law slapped my leg, "It's fine, stop being so down on yourself, and you didn't send this til almost 11:15pm, I'm not surprised he hasn't replied yet, he probably hasn't had chance" "now come on let's watch tv and give the poor guy some time" she laughed turning the tv on.

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