Chapter fourty four

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Friday came around surprisingly quick and we were all looking forward to our night out. Marie came round to get ready at ours, ours that was so weird thinking that it was now just ours and not hers anymore, but I was so happy for her and Jay. We ordered pizza for tea rather then cooking tonight and we ate in between painting nails, doing hair and searching through clothes to find what to wear. We'd all had the same text from the guys "be ready to go for 7:30pm a friend of ours will pick u up - have a great night x"
"Oh I wonder which friend it is thats picking us up, wonder if they're going to the party too?" Marie questioned. "I don't know but I guess we will soon find out" I said as we were all just about ready. We looked at the time 7:15pm, just time for the finishing touches, I put my earrings in and asked Marie to fasten my necklace for me while Law tried on yet another pair of shoes. We grabbed our bags and headed out the door to wait for our lift.
We could not believe our eyes when a white stretch limo pulled up and the driver got out and said our names. "Arghhhh" we all screamed a little jumping in the back, there were lights, music and 2 bottles of champagne waiting for us. "this night is going to be amazing" I said to the girls. "can't wait for the guys to get home so we can thank them properly" Law winked and Marie laughed at her "oh yes, big thanks are in order" I couldn't help giggling at them both but I kept out of the conversation. It was still early days for Ben and I and we hadn't got to that just yet, I wasn't ashamed but I didn't want to talk about it with the girls just yet. I just left them to assume and laughed along.
We got to the club about 20 minutes later and were already slightly tipsy from the champagne, there was a big queue waiting, looked like it was going to be a good night. We found the vip entrance and were straight in, we had our own vip area with a vip only bar. It was fab, "I could get used to this" Marie laughed. The music was playing and we were having a great time, dancing and chatting. We'd managed to spot a few 'celebs' while we were here but had managed to remain calm and resist the urge to go ask for pictures, "Jay would be so proud of you not fan-girling" I laughed at Marie remembering when she told us about the reason he didn't mention that the masquerade party was full of celebs.
We sat down for a bit after too much dancing and were having a chat, it was nice having the three of us together again "so Kay hows the new job going" Marie asked. "it's great thanks I love it, but there's this one guy there that I just can't figure out" I told her. "what do you mean what's he like?" Law asked. "well I don't know I feel a bit weird round him, have done from day one something about him gives me the creeps" I tried to explain. "get Ben to kick his butt" Law giggled, "no I can't tell Ben, I don't want him involved, this guys probably harmless it's just me being weird" I said "always trust your gut Kay, if you feel something's not right then please listen and just be careful" Marie told me. "Thanks girls now let's not talk work anymore, we're at this awesome party and the guys are back tomorrow- let's have fun"
We got another drink and were up on the dance floor again, suddenly I felt somebody behind me, a hand wrapped around my waist. I turned around to tell this guy to back off, I was spoken for. As I turned around I couldn't believe who it was standing there.

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