Chapter twenty six

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The lights went down again and we all knew this time it was for A1!! The entire arena screamed, waved glow-sticks, and cheered, I've never heard a crowd so loud.
🎶"I can still remember the time, you were there when I needed to hold you, feel you"🎶 the boys started a capella, appearing on stage one at a time under individual spotlights.
🎶"everytime I ask you to find a new way, you lie a new way"🎶 the music started slowly and quietly at first and then 🎶"is it gone, gone, gone, gone, gone"🎶 the beat kicked in and the guys moved nearer to each other and began the dance. 🎶"another night, another day, what can I say, you're still the same old brand new you"🎶
We danced and sang all the way through the song, a1 were amazing live, they looked like they were having the time of their lives up there.
Once the song finished, Mark said "wow!! You guys are loud tonight" "yeah, together you're all loud, but how about a competition to see who's loudest?" Ben started, "ok all of you on this side" he said pointing to his right, "you're team Mark" Mark waved and shouted "yehhh"
Ben then walked to the other side "all of you are team Chris" Christian stood at his side and clapped his hands in the air "my team are gonna win" he said causing his side to scream.
Ben then walked back to the middle, "and all of you down here" he used both arms to show lines down either side of the middle section "right up to the back, you're my team - give us a wave" he said.
Mark started "so when I say A you say 1.... a.." he held out his microphone as everyone on his side shouted "one" Ben laughed "no, no, no, we can beat that can't we? Are we ready team? When I say A you say 1... A..." this time everyone in the middle including us shouted "one" as loud as possible. "Yehhh, go team! - think you can better that Chris?" Ben asked.
Chris laughed, "of course we can" he said and he did the same getting his side to shout. "well I think you're all fantastic and warmed up now, so we need your help" Mark said "we'd like you to join in as we sing this next goes a little something like this" Ben started to sing "things are so different now you're gone, I thought it would be easy I was wrong and now I'm...." He held out the mic and the whole arena sang "caught in the middle"
"Wow- amazing" Mark said as Chris took the spotlight "one last try just to make sure you've got it" he said then sang "even though I'm with someone new, all I can think about is you and now I'm caught, and now I'm ...." again the a1 guys held out their mics as everyone sang "caught in the middle"
"Yehhh!!" all 3 of them shouted as the music started and they sang caught in the middle, followed by make it good.
"Now let's go back in time a little bit to where it all started" Mark announced, "this is be the first to believe"
The music started and the guys stripped off their jackets to reveal their vest tops, Ben's was white, Mark's was red and Chris's was yellow. The crowd screamed and started chanting "off off off" obviously hoping for the strip to continue.
🎶"Just one on one that's the way we do it baby, just one on one that's the way we do it"🎶 they started to sing.
Haha, I can't believe they've got the cheesy outfits back, glad they've moved on from the colour coordinated look now" Law shouted to me laughing.
After this they continued the brightly coloured trip down memory lane with 'summertime of our lives' We were enjoying seeing the guys doing the old dance routines again and everyone was singing along. The atmosphere tonight was amazing!

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