Chapter thirty seven

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After all sorts of wacky ideas being thrown around from them being murderers trying to lure us in to them serenading us in front of the crowds (neither of which sounded very appealing to me) we decided we would just have to wait and see. I headed off to bed excited for the next day, before going to sleep I text Ben "what was all that about, what's happening 2moro?" He replied "my lips r sealed 😁 get some sleep you'll need your energy, were gonna have fun 😘 night xx"

I woke up the next morning to Law bouncing on my bed at the side of me "Cmon its Sunday, we gotta go save Jay" she laughed. Her laugh and excitement was infectious as I couldn't help laughing along with her. "ok, ok I'm up lets go wake Marie" I said climbing out of bed, we both ran into Marie's room and jumped on her waking her in the same way Law had just woke me. Marie groaned but once she realised what we were saying she jumped out of bed,"arghh we've gotta go find my man" she screamed. Now we were all giggling like school girls and we didn't care. We had breakfast and started discussing what to wear, "they said wear something comfortable, what do you think that means?" Marie asked, "I don't know comfortable for what exactly, I need to know what we're doing to know what to wear" Law laughed. "Well they aren't going to tell us what we are doing so I think I'm wearing my jeans and jumper" I said "oh sexy" Law teased, "hey they said comfy, I'm going for comfy" I laughed, throwing flicking water at her as I washed my cup.

It got to around 2pm, and we decided we'd best get ready, we all disappeared into our own room. I dressed in skinny jeans and a fitted v neck jumper with my converse trainers. I almost put heels on but decided since I wasn't sure what the plan was and they said comfy I'd better not. I curled my hair into loose curls and pinned the front bit back, applied a little make up and lip gloss and was good to go. I went into the living room to wait for the others. When Law came out she wolf whistled "ok I'll let you off, when you said jeans and jumper I was expecting a slouchy look but you actually look hot" she smiled. I wrapped a nice fabric scarf around my neck and we were ready to go. Marie offered to drive but we persuaded her to leave the car as we may be having drinks, so we called a cab and headed off to the leisure complex.

When we got there we saw the guys waiting for us in the centre, Marie almost ran into Jays arms and he kissed her, like full on kissed her as if there was nobody else around, they didn't care who was watching, it was kind of cute. "ive missed you so much baby" He said to her. Me and Law continued towards them and I saw Ben hold out his arms a little, I walked right into his hug. He wrapped his arms around me and kissed my head before placed his chin down on top of my head and gently squeezing me. I loved the way he just seemed to fit around me and he was so warm it just felt right, I didn't want to let go.

Ben's POV
I stood waiting with the guys I couldn't wait to see what they thought of our plans.... What she thought of the plans. It was then that I saw her walking towards us. She looked amazing but she had that effect on me, she could be wearing a bin bag and I reckon I'd still think she was hot. I saw Marie run into Jay and then start making out 'get a room' I thought but I couldn't help smile at how in love they were. That was as much thought as I gave to that situation because now she was getting closer and I longed to hold her. I held out my arms for her and she walked right into them wrapping her arms around my waist. I hugged her and I never wanted to let her go. I loved the way she just seemed to fit right there in my arms everything just felt right. I was snapped out of my perfect world by Mark "well guys lets get started and show these girls what we're doing today"

I saw Law move to Marks side and stand on her toes to kiss his cheek. He put his arm over her shoulder and pulled her round to kiss him before taking hold of her hand. "Well guys, lets get started and show these girls what we're doing today" he said leading the way while keeping a firm hold of Laws hand. She looked up at him lovingly. she wouldn't admit it to anyone yet, probably not even herself but I could see she loved him. "We've got a full and fun day planned, I hope you like it" I heard him say to her.

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