Chapter 18

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Urzoth didn't respond. Even if she wanted to respond, she couldn't, for Thorin had rounded up the company just after Kili uttered those three words. By order of Thorin, the she-orc quickly replaced the blue dress with the ripped up brown one from Rivendell, which was now mostly dry and very warm from being heated by the fire.  Now, it was well past sundown, and the company was piled outside an open window to the armory. Bilbo Baggins peeks across the side of a house to watch as a group of guards marches away from their target building and out of sight. Grumbling dwarves stand behind him, all of them anxious about what is soon to go down.

"Shh! Keep it down!" Dwalin whisper shouts, clearly annoyed with the anxious mumbles and grumbles.

"As soon as we have the weapons, we'll make straight for the mountain," Thorin whispers. At his words, a few of the dwarves rush towards the window and stack themselves into a makeshift staircase. "Go, go, go!" Thorin orders Nori.

The sneaky dwarf rushes forward and jumps upon his companions heads before launching himself through the window. At Thorin's signal, Bilbo runs up the staircase of dwarves and barely makes it into the window. Fili and Kili follow the Hobbit, Kili wincing with every step. Bofur, Dwalin, and finally, Thorin launch themselves into the armory. Urzoth helps the remaining dwarves unstack themselves before pacing in front of the windowsill.

She cant get Kili's words out of her head. He had told her to marry him. She knew she couldn't, no matter how much she wanted to. He would be dead in a matter of days, weather it was because of the poison or by the hand of her father. Marrying him would only make the loss harder. It was already bad enough that she let herself fall in love with him.

A loud cry and clang dragged Urzoth from her thoughts. She instantly recognized the voice as Kili's. Without hesitation, she sprints at the wall, jumping only a few feet before and using momentum to propel herself up the wall. Each vertical step made to propel herself higher wouldn't have been possible without her desperation to reach her wounded dwarf. With a final step off the wall, her fingertips just barely reach the bottom of the windowsill. Using all her strength, and with the help of adrenaline, she is able to haul herself into the armory. In a swift movement she climbs to her feet and runs to the staircase, Fili not far behind her.

She takes the steps two at a time before she reaches Kili. Guards have spears pointed to his chest, and by instinct, Urzoth unleashes a mighty roar of rage. The guards back away fearfully, allowing her to crouch in front of her lover, teeth bared. Kili places a hand on her arm, pulling her away from the uneasy guards. At his touch, Urzoth visibly relaxes. Her muscles relax, and her eyes grow softer, though her teeth are still bared.

It isn't long before the entire company is gathered up and taken to a giant building in the center of Lake Town. People come from their houses, lanterns held in their hands, cloaks rapped around their shivering bodies. Urzoth stays close to Kili, both for warmth and to make sure he is okay. The door to the townhall opens and out walks a fat red haired man with an unkept beard, followed by a greasy dark haired man.

"What is the meaning of this?" The red haired man, who could only be the Master of Lake Town, booms.

"We caught 'em stealing weapons, Sire," the head guard reports.

"Ah! Enemies of the state, huh?" The Master accuses skeptically.

"A desperate bunch of mercenaries, if ever there was, Sire," the greasy man, whos voice they recognize to belong to Alfrid, replies.

Dwalin, extremely angered by these words, steps forward. "Hold your tongue!" He shouts, "You do no know to whom you speak! This is no common criminal! This is Thorin, Son of Thrain, Son of Thror!"

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