Chapter 9-Letting go

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I pulled open the door and looked down the street to Jake's house. I couldn't bear the thought of all those significant memories being lost if Jake died. Even the thought of some stranger living in his house scares me to bits, like Jake has truly gone, forever. I pulled the door closed behind me and headed towards the car. A slight chill tickled the back of my neck as I pulled my jacket tighter around my body. In the car I couldn't stop thinking about how different my life would be like without Jake. It would probably consist of lonely days and boring school days. He can't just leave me, my life just started, without him, I would be nothing, a nobody even. We parked across from the road from the hospital. I slide out of the front seat and slammed the door behind me. I crossed the road, daydreaming  taking over my brain. I looked up to find a car ploughing towards me. I jumped out the way just in time as the driver poked his head out the window and cursing me, but it wasn't enough to stop me. I raced out in front of another car, stirring up more commotion between the drivers and pedestrians.  People raced over, their voices killing me. I pushed through the crowd and headed towards the hospital. Someone grabbed my shoulder and a turned around, my hand clenched in a fist, ready to attack. It was Mum. She had an angry and upset look on her face. She was not happy! 

"Why Lily, why?"

"Why what?!" I replied, infuriation building up in my voice. "Actually, tell you what? I don't think I want to know, Okay?" I turned on my heel and headed towards the hospital doors. I walked in and turned in the direction for the lift. On second thoughts I turned the other way and took to the stairs. I raced up, two at a time and turned the corner towards Jake's room. His Mum, Dad and sister Hannah were waiting outside his room, tears streaked down their faces and grief written across their foreheads. I walked over towards to his Mum. She stood up and walked over to me.

"I'm so sorry Lily." She said sympathetically as her outstretched arms formed into a tight hug. She reminded me so much of Jake when she hugged me. I couldn't hold onto the pain I had been suffering any longer. Tears poured down my face, landing on her shoulders. She was like another mother to me at times when I needed her to be. In the distance, I saw Hannah stand up. I let go and went over to comfort Hannah. 

"Hannah, what happened?"

"I don't know. The doctors say that they can't tell us, all we know is that he is getting worse by the minute. I'm so sorry Lily."

"Oh my gosh! How did it happen?"

I looked over my shoulder to see a doctor emerge from his room. We all leaned in to hear what he had to say. 

"I have some bad news about the condition of your son, Mr and Mrs Hunter."

"What happened to him! My son, my baby!" She cried into her husbands shoulder.

"Can you please tell us what happened. You're killing us just from waiting!" Hannah interrupted with irritation in her voice.

Mrs Hunter started crying louder and more intensely.

"Jake!" She mumbled into Mr Hunters shoulder.

"You're son suffered cardiac arrest, resulting in a heart attack. We had to transfer him to life support. Without it, he won't live. I'm sorry, we are doing everything we can to keep him alive."

After a few minutes of silence, I spoke up. "So when do you think we can see him?"

"Not for another few weeks. His is in a critical condition."

"Few weeks?! That's forever! I can't wait that long. I need to see him now!" I tried to push through to get in but Hannah and the doctor grabbed me while I sunk down to a kneel as I gasped for air as I let my heart out while lying on the floor.

"Shh, it's ok." I heard Hannah say quietly in my ear. I looked up to Hannah and said thank you Hannah for being there for me when I need you. You are one of my favourite friends in the whole wide world. She helped me up and we walked over to the chairs. We sat down and waited and waited for what seemed like hours. I was softly shaken awake by Hannah. I looked down the hall and saw the doctor approaching us. My face turned from grief to joy as I knew that this time, the news was going to be good.

"Mr Hunter, I need to speak to you." He looked around all of us. "In private preferably."

 They both disappeared around the corner. Worry overwhelmed me as I waited in anticipation for the news.

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