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I know, I know, nobody likes intros so I'll try to cut it short, capiche? I'm really fucked up in the head, when it comes to smuts. I would like to blame somebody, from not stopping me from reading dirty manga when I was younger, but I kinda gotta blame my sadistic self on this one peeps. I'll do ANY kink, also I'm one of those people who can't write smutty or abusive fanfic, but I'll be able to read it, JUST FINE! All I'm really saying is, don't expect too much out of me. I have a really difficult time mustering up the courage to write this dumpster fire, let alone publish it. I forgot what the fuck I was writing about...OH YEAH!
I'll do mostly anything, besides Thomas ships- Well ok scratch that, I'll do mostly every ship besides, RomanxRemus. And in the wise words of another (Wattpader?) :
"They live in Florida, not Alabama."
Amazing ain't it? Crap this is getting to long (That's what she said) I also have a REALLY bad sense of humor. So here are some rules....:

I will do :
Any kinks, or requests.
Almost all of the ships.
Sub Logan.
Dom Patton.
Sub Princey. (In only some stories)
Sub Deceit. ('Cause he's my snakey boi)
Sub / Dom Remus.
(So on and so forth, you get the jist?)
I will NOT absolutely under ANY circumstances do :
Dom Virgil.
Sub Remy.
Remus x Roman.
Watersports bullshit. That's disgusting and disturbing, I'm sorry, I just can't write shit, with another person pissing in / on either a cup (Or any object) or person. I sorry my gross children of the night.
Also, if you want Emile, that will take even longer (That's what she said I'm sorry) because it's difficult for me to write about Emile since I don't think I've watched that episode yet.
Tell me if I missed anything my COTN. (Children Of The Night)
Peace out my geeks, peeps, and night scrolling creeps!

-NC (335 Words Jesus Christ)

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