Part 1

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Luffy is really out of character I'm sorry about that. And the ending might be crappy because I rushed on this one a little. Enjoy! Tell me what I have to improve on and please no bad comments. By the way, for this fan fiction pick a best friend. You'll see why later.

Reader x Luffy (A super cheezy fan-fiction)

Cheers and cups clinging fill the air as the wind blows. With the moonlight beaming on to the grassy deck of Thousand Sunny. Sanji's cooking fills the air as you and your fellow crewmates water with saliva. You suddenly didn't feel so well and got up from your seat to go to your room but Robin grabs your wrist and gives it a squeeze. "(Y/N), are you feeling alright?" "Yea, I just don't have an appetite." You lied, trying not to worry anyone especially Robin. You look around the table and find a pissed off Nami trying to flirt with Zoro, who is ignoring Nami, and trying to talk to (Y BF's N) and (Y BF'S N) blushing bright pink. You then find (Y BF's N) staring at you, catching your eye and communicating with you ALMOST telepathically. "You not eating?" "Nah, Lost appetite." "No you didn't, you got sick because of today's battle." "I can't lie, when I get to you can I? Yea, I got sick because of today." Today's battle with another ship, it tired you really bad. Fighting and fighting none stop. While you and your crewmates were fighting, Nami took a risk and went for the treasure that was heavily guarded; you guess she used her "skills" to get it. You're not sure but you do know that you got several deep cuts along your arm that Robin and ( YBF's N) tended to as soon as battle's over. You lost a lot of blood, maybe that's why you can't eat, you don't know. You shrug, "Yea, I'm going to sleep." You try to creep off downstairs, but Luffy catches sees you going of. "(Y/N)!! Where do you think you're going?!" You feel embarrassed; you turn around to look at Luffy, with fists by your side. "I'm going to bed. I don't have an appetite tonight." You say between your gritted teeth. Everyone's attentions were grabbed and you're the spotlight. "But the meat is SO GOOD!" Luffy says as he takes a huge bite out of the meat in his hand. You feel your stomach rumbling and you feel the urge to throw up and so you run to the edge of the ship and threw up everything you ate today into the vast sea, you suddenly feel dizzy and you fall to the ground holding your throbbing head. You hear rushing footsteps and you name being screamed before your brain shuts down.

You wake up in your bed and you see Robin and (Y BF's N) asleep by your bedside and you assumed that everyone went to their rooms and slept. You rise from your bed and feel your throat as dry as the island you landed on a year ago. You quickly walk up the stairs and go into the kitchen, grabbing a glass and trying to fill the glass. "Are you okay, (Y/N)?" Startled, you accidently drop your glass causing a crash that could of have woke everyone up but you're lucky that no one did. "Sorry, everyone crashed for the night." "It's okay, Luffy." You say with your hands still trembling. "Let me help." Luffy gets on his knees and helps. You both finish quickly and as you both sit at the table both blushing. "Luffy, way aren't you asleep yet?" You ask curiously Luffy suddenly turns bright red; you didn't bother for the answer so you said, "Never mind, I'm going to sleep now." You stand up and walk to the deck, worried why Luffy was blushing. You decided to not sleep and sat on the railings instead. You watched as the boat moved from side to side, rocking with the waves. "Moon, can you promise me something?" The moon doesn't reply but you continue on, "I think I like Luffy, moon. No change that, I DO like Luffy, don't tell him for me. Thanks." You jump off the railings and lands both feet on the deck and as you look up you see Luffy standing, wide-eyed, with a cup in his hand that crashes the grassy deck. As the wind blows your hair gets in your r face, you feel your face turn bright pink, you get on your knees as your hands cover your face, "NO!!" you thought. You hear foot steps coming your way and as it stops you look up to see a smiling Luffy, an extended hand and him in a suit? "(Y/N), do you want to dance with me?" You look behind him and see the crew dancing in a slow dance. Robin is the DJ and (Y BF N) blushing dark red as she dances with Zoro. And Nami looking at Zoro and (Y BF N) with very jelly eyes as Sanji is dancing with Nami, you look at yourself and find yourself wearing a baby blue dress with one strap and the bottom very silky that reaches up to your knees. You stand up and see colourful lights bean and illuminate across the deck, you stand there amazed at the lights and the dance floor, suddenly you feel a warm feeling tug on your hand, you allow that warm feeling pull you and you LITERALLY are being pulled, you land in Luffy's embrace. He pulls you into a hug and whispers in your ear "I don't know how to dance, can you show me?" You hesitate for a few seconds trying to get yourself together. "Sure", you whisper back. You take a few steps back look up at your hands, "So I put my hand on your shoulder, our hands are out here, and your other hand is on my____" you have his hand a cm away from your waist, you hands are quivering with fear and you're pretty sure Luffy knows, he puts his hand on your waist, surprised you shift a little but his hands still rest on your waist. "UM, okay." You said with a layer of light pink covering your face. You then look at your feet, "So we take a left, the right, then up then down and repeat." You both continue happily as everyone slowly disappears. Then Luffy stops in his tracks (or should I say dance.) you stop too, not knowing what to do, you both stand on the deck, still in each others embrace. Luffy pulls you closer to him, you didn't push away, and you just let him pull you. You can hear Luffy's heart pounding and you blush a bright red, you close your eyes as you smell Luffy's scent. You don't know how long you both were standing for but you want to spend an eternity with him, no matter what. Suddenly you hear a canon blast, your eyes open in a quick snap and you see blood everywhere you see yourself in a used to be white shirt, now bloodified, with your shorts, shoes and your belt of knives. You look up at Luffy in his regular outfit, his vest showing bear skin and several deep wounds and his shorts, you see a cut along his arm, you gasp so loud that you startled Luffy, he looks at you with worried eyes. "(Y/N), are you okay?!" "I'm fine, Luffy, but your arm." You said almost whimpering, "Don't worry about me." You look around as everyone is in a bloody battle. You see (Y BF N) dying in Zoro's arms as he tries to keep (Y BF's N) with him. Zoro was already deeply wound physically and emotionally, it seems as if he's ready to die. (Y BF's N) Zoro kept saying, trying not to break down, you see an enemy going behind Zoro. "ZORO!" You shout as he gets stabbed from behind, you were too late. You were going to get revenge for (Y BF's N) and Zoro as you were staring at them, you suddenly felt your feet get lifted off the ground and standing on the opposite side of Luffy. You look up at him as he coughed up blood onto your face. You eyes widen intensely, "Luffy." You said weakly. Luffy suddenly falls onto the ground but you swiftly catch him, "Luffy!" You said louder this time. "Luffy! Don't die out on me!" You have him in your arms as his life slowly drains away. "(Y/N), I never got to say som_" He coughed up more blood. "Luffy!" you said with tears falling down your cheeks, "Luffy, don't leave me." You whimpered as you pulled him into your embrace, you cry on him, not wanting to lose him, the most important person to you right at that moment. Luffy's quivering hands grab hold of your trembling hands. He pulls your hand closer to his face, you put his head on your lap, "(Y/N), I love you. Don't forget me." "Me too, Luffy." You said as your tears fall on his face. You hug him for the final time as he drew his last breath. Scared, you look at him, "LUFFY! DON'T LEAVE ME ALONE, PLEASE!" you shout, and then you whisper, "I love you. Don't leave me. Please protect me when you're in heaven." You whimpered the last few words. You feel a warm feeling hold onto you. You feel something dropped on your head, you take it down. And you see Luffy's straw hat. The wind blows into your ear, "Don't worry, (Y/N). I'll protect you from heaven. I'll be waiting in heaven for you." And the warm feeling leaves your side, you hug the straw hat tightly, repeating Luffy's name until you're screaming his name and crying harder every time you think about him. "(Y/N)" At first it started off really softly but it grew louder every time. You wake up to the worst nightmare yet. You look at yourself, still in the same clothes as you were in yesterday. You were relieved at first but when you saw Robin, you couldn't hold back the tears. You hugged Robintightly as you remember the moment when your true love, Luffy, died in your dreams. You don't want to have your true love die such a horrible death, not after he saved you. You calmed yourself as you pull away from Robin. "I'm fine." You stated with such determination, Robin knowing you're not alright but understood you need time alone and that you were feeling uneasy about sharing it with her said, "okay." You watch as she stands up with a bucket of water and a towel on the rim of the bucket. "I'm going to change the water, I'm not going to return after a while." She says as she looks at you with calm eyes. "Thank you, Robin." "No problem." she opens the door and walks out, closing the door behind her. You look out the window beside your bed, watching the sun shine bright red as the sun setted. 'Estimating the sunset, I've probably almost been asleep for a full day.' you thought to yourself. You heard a knock on the door. "Come in!" You shouted. "Thanks!" replied (Y BF's N). She closes the door behind her. "How're you feeling?" Rasising the ing higher. "I'm better than yesterday that's for sure. How long have I been asleep for?" you ask. "About a day or so. Don't worry about it." she replies as she walks over to your bed, sitting down on the ground, looking up to you. "so, why were you crying?!" (Y BF's N) said cheerfully, almost as if she enjoyed hearing that you cried. "Ummm, so, umm, well, uhh, soo, uh, I think, umm, I, uhh,so, ummm, well, I mean, um, I think, I don't well, I do but uh, umm." You stumbled over your words as you tried to find the right words. "AHH! DUDE, I'm growing impatient, you going to tell me or not??" screamed your best friend. "OKAY<okay, so, umm," you went on and on about the dream telling every tiny detail about your dream to your best friend, who kept her ears open through everything. You told the story until you knew the moon already appeared. She almost cried in the end too, like you did but for the same reason for why you cried. "NO!! My favorite human shippingbroke apart!" she screamed and then murmed, "But he did say he'll take care of you." You blushed bright red as you shouted, "(Y BF'S N)!!! Stop it! Okay, I'm not going to be with him! And you evil side flicked on." you said. "Oh, oops!" she said devishily. "Okay, *YAWN* I'm tired now, since you talked so much, you should sleep too. Night." "Night, (Y BF's N)." You slip under the covers as you look at the bright night sky. "Night, stars and moon. Moon you're horrible at keeping secrets."You thought. giving a small laugh in the end, you went to sleep with a smile on your face.

This is a really long chapter. I never actually wanted the chapter to be this long. To be honest, the whole thing was supposd to be a story with no chapters but I need more time 'cause I haven't made the final ending yet. I'll try to finishg publishing it before christmas. Just hope homework doesn't get in the way. I also do not own any character from One Piece. Credit goes to owner who made One Piece.

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