Part 2

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This is the second part, there's more actually :D Please contiune to read. I might take sometime to get the whole story done. But  please stick with it! Sorry, for the late update :D Characters besides (Y/N) and (Y BF'S N) belong to the owner of One Piece 

The next morning, you wake up bright and early. The sun hasn’t even woken up yet. You throw your legs over the side of your bed, and stood up. Stretching your arms up to the sky, you thought. ‘I might as well go outside.’ You threw on a fresh batch of clothes, a (your favorite color) t-shirt, with black shorts with black knee high-gothic boots. You kick your leg up onto a chair and lace up your boots, looking down at your boots, your hair gets into your face. You grab a hold of your hair, ‘My hair’s growing longer. Oh well, I’ll cut it sooner or later.’ You thought to yourself as your push that strand of hair behind your ear. You walk out of your room and look at every other door down the hallway. ‘I guess no one’s wake yet, heck, the sun hasn’t even waken up yet.’ You gave a small laugh, went to the bathroom to refresh your previous state, and walk up the stairs, trying not to wake anyone up. You finally reach the first step and open the door to the deck. Walking over the swaying grass, you walk over to the railings and sat on top with your legs crossed, facing the sea and the slowly-rising sun. You close your eyes, and imagine being back home on land with your mom and thought, ‘Wow, it’s been a while since I’ve seen her.’ You smiled to yourself. Just then your nose picked up an appetizing fragrance in the air, coming from the kitchen. You walk over to the kitchen, to find Sanji by the stove cooking up breakfast for everyone. “Morning, Sanji!” you said cheerfully. He doesn’t turn away from the food but replies, “Oh, (Y/N), you’re finally awake.” You answered, “I woke up yesterday, but I didn’t leave my room.” Still looking at the breakfast, “Oh, that’s nice.” He answers dully. Trying to keep the conversation going, you ask, “What’s for breakfast?” He picks up a ladle, pulling the lid open, as puffs of smoke exploded out, and sticking the giant spoon in and stirring, “For you, it’s going to be porridge. I’m not sure if you’re still sick or not, but just for safety precautions, you’re going to eat porridge.” You felt warm, “Aw, that’s nice of you, Sanji, thanks!” “No problem. Hey, porridge is almost ready, you wanna eat soon?” “Nah, I’ll eat when everyone else is awake. It’s almost 7, right?” “Yea, I think so.” “I’ll go wake everyone up then.” You said in the end and walked out the kitchen. Sanji never looked at you once. You kinda felt offended inside but you just shook it off. You knocked on each door and shouted, “MINNA!!! Wake up!” Doing the same thing for each gender, you headed back into the kitchen and sat down at the counter, facing Sanji’s back. “Can I get my food, Sanji?” you asked. “Sure,” he replied. Getting a bowl and filling it up with porridge, you waited patiently, as he turned around with the bowl of porridge, it drops onto the ground, breaking the bowl and spilling the porridge onto the waxed ground. He stares at you with his nose bleeding, but all you can do is stare at the fallen bowl and porridge. He rushes over to you and gets on his knee. You look at him in surprise, wide-eyed; he says to you in a love-dovey manner, “(Y/N), you are as beautiful as the sun. NO! You’re more beautiful than the sun. But will you be my girlfriend? No, better yet, will you marry me? No! You are now officially engaged to me!” You stared at him wide-eyes as everyone spilled in through the door. “N-n-no!” You stuttered, trying to act strong, ‘this is the first time Sanji as ever done this to me! I don’t know what I’m supposed to do! Someone, PLEASE, help me!’ you thought to yourself in mixed feelings. You know you’re blushing and you’re blushing harshly! You don’t hide it, you can’t hide it! You try to stand up and walk away, embarrassed at what Sanji just did, but Sanji grabs your wrist, pulls you into his embrace and kisses you passionately, at first you just stood there frozen but coming back to your senses, you tried to push him away, trying to get him off of you, but you can’t get him away from you. Everyone froze, even time felt like it stopped! You heard Luffy shouting loudly, “WOAH! What's happening?!" Hearing his voice, you snapped back to your senses, and pushed Sanji away from you harder and harder, but MAN, does he have a strong grip on you! Your best friend pushes her way in, as she stands there frozen. ‘HELP ME!!!’ you signaled her, the only one who actually reacted to the situation, she reaches Sanji and pulls on his arm, “SANJI! GET YOUR FILTHY HANDS OFF OF (Y/N)!!” Just then when you felt like, you had no more energy left in your body, a long arm punches Sanji in the cheek, Sanji fell to his side, landing on his elbow after the big blow. Your best friend steps over Sanji and holds onto you. “Daijoubou?” she whispers. You just nod, yes. “YOU MARIMO SHITHEAD! The  hell are you doing?” Sanji shouts with flames in his eyes. You look to the direction Sanji’s yelling at to see everyone forming two lines on either side of the door. You see a straw hat and angered eyes peaking through, staring right into your soul, staring right at you. You feel pained inside, “Luffy?” you said weakly, “OH! So are you jealous that (Y/N) is going to get engaged to me?” Sanji said in a sly voice, picking himself up. “WHAT?!” you and Luffy screamed. You know everyone else was just soaking it in, your best friend stares at Sanji with nothing but hatred and denial, holding you up. “Yup, the marriage will be 2 months from now. Everyone’s invited!” Sanji shouts cheerfully, pushing your best friend away and throwing his arm around you. Tears are in your eyes, anger forms a fist in Luffy’s hand and a proud smile on Sanji’s face. You look at everyone by the door, to your best friend, pulling a knife from her boot and holding it in her hand, staring at Sanji with daggers, then at last your eyes land on Luffy. “Why?” he says weakly, “Why?! (Y/N)?” Luffy screams at you with pained tears in his eyes. “Luffy, I’m sorry!” You said to him, you heard a face palm from behind Sanji and then you realize, ‘Wait, sorry?! No I meant it’s not true! Why’d I say sorry?!’ you nervously thought to yourself. “So, it’s true?” Luffy asks as you heard his voice crack in between. “NO! I’m- wait, I mean!” you tried to explain but you kept getting thrown back by the words you’re trying to say. Sanji just stared at both you and Luffy, enjoying the show. “That would mean that (Y/N) accepted my request, so now”, he grabs your hand, and lifted it up high into the air. “She is now my fiancée!” he said with such triumph, you didn’t feel safe. You feel like breaking down, you wanted to reject but you gave up, you don’t have anymore energy. Everyone just stared with such amazement that it felt like clouds were storming over their heads. All you can really feel is the cloud storm over Luffy head, fists by his side, with dark gloomy clouds over him, lighting and rain just felt like it’s flooding him. ‘This is dramatic.’ You thought to yourself as Sanji’s arm unravels away from you. Your best friend comforting you, but still sending Sanji death glares occasionally from time to time. Everyone is already sitting at the table without Luffy. ‘This is the end of my life.’ Both you and your best friend take a seat. ‘I’m going to live and marry a man I don’t even like!’ Just the thought of you marrying to man like Sanji, allow you to burst into dramatic tears. Sanji turns back and asks worriedly, “(Y/N)-chan! Daijoubou?!” “SHUT UP, YOU NO GOOD OF A CREWMATE!” (Y BF’S N) shouts at him, and pulls you into your room. You felt sad eyes look at you, even from Zoro. Your best friend doesn’t stay long. She walks out after a few seconds, and you’re all alone. Thoughts rushed into your head, ‘I don’t know what to do, I can’t imagine a life where Luffy won’t be with me. Where my life will be boring, where I married to someone I don’t very well, where I can’t be with my one true love. And it’s going to haunt me to this very day!’                 

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