Part 5

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This is also short. Sorry about that. Tee hee. Umm, if you read the last chapter, there IS a bonus in the end of this story. But you guys don't have to read it. Heads up the bonus, is EXTREMELY LONG! So instead of adding it into this story, I might change that into a story of it's own. I don't know it's kinda hard to say. But contiune to enjoy. Please read it, leave a comment and vote! Luffy is out of character! 

“(Y/N), no matter what, I’ll be there to support you in anything it could be. In whatever situation, I’ll be there to support you in anything, like that dumbass marriage.” Luffy ends off; looking at you with tears of pain and anger swirled together. You are drop-dead surprised. ‘I’m his friend? Not someone special, not a crush? But, he’s willing to support me! I’m going to confess!!’ Tears of mixed emotion rolled your eyes as you say, “Thank you, Luffy. But…. But!” you can’t say it, not after what Luffy said. “I am a true friend. I’ll be there to support you!” His words replayed in your head. The pain of Sanji kissing you, leaving Luffy, and the things that Luffy has done for me comes rushing at you like a punch to the face. Tears of sadness, pain and hatred drag and roll down your face. You look down, as a whimper of sadness managed to escape. “(Y/N)! Daijoubou? Was it something I said? OI! (Y/N)!” the more Luffy talks, the more you want to break down or push him off the boat. After a few seconds of silence, Luffy doesn’t do anything. No talking, no movement. As you were busy holding back your tears, you didn’t notice a warm embrace. Luffy had leaned forward and pull you into his hug. You stop crying and snapped your eyes open. “It’s okay, (Y/N). I’m sorry if I caused you any trouble.” Luffy whispers into your ear, thought rushed to your brain, ‘It’s your fault. It’s mine! I’m so sorry!” just as you opened your mouth to speak, nothing comes out. You cry harder into Luffy, leaving your tears and pain, having Luffy soak up your pain. You feel better after each drop of tear. You feel Luffy tightening his grip on you and you cry harder, knowing this moment won’t last forever; you don’t want your relationship with Luffy to die. You don’t know how long you were crying for but you felt sleepy. VERY sleep. Even so, after crying, you continue to lean on Luffy, he just holds onto you. You realize this but you didn’t care, you just smiled to yourself as your face grabbed a hold of a red blanket. Just then, you feel your face get lifted, and you see Luffy, pulling himself closer to you. ‘OH MY GOSH! HE’S TRYING TO KISS ME!’ your thoughts collected, time seemed like it slowed down, just for you to have some time to think. A part of you wanted to grab him and just kiss, another part wants to just relax and just let him kiss you and another part wants you to pull away from him, both sides of wanting to have Luffy kiss you fought hard, but eventually pushing him away won. And thoughts turned into actions. Averting your eyes away from him and to the sea, you collect yourself. You can’t and won’t see his face, with the moon’s beams pretty weak and your actions, Luffy’s face can’t be seen. Watching the rolling waves beat the side of Thousand Sunny; you grip the railings in embarrassment. Nothing happens for a while; Luffy then perks up, “Well,” Luffy stretches with a hint of uneasiness in his voice, “I’m going to sleep. Night, (Y/N).” “Oh. Yea,” you replied, “Oyasumi, Luffy.” You watch the stars blink as the waves throw over themselves. You gave a loud yawn, ‘I’m tired!’ you drag your back down against the railings. ‘Too tired to walk to bed.’ You thought, ‘Oyasumi.’ Leaning your head and back against the railings, you replayed what happened, and change a certain part a tiny bit. (You know what I mean?)     

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