Part 3

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I'd like to thank AngelWithAShotgun11 for reading and commenting. Also my bestfriend, Mvd1942, follow her! 

It’s been a month now. Last week, Sanji forced the ship to stop by a crazy rich island, and bought you a really pretty, fancy dress, amazingly beautiful. You don’t exactly know how to feel, all you could do is think, ‘Wow. He’s extremely serious about this marriage.’ You put your head down and your hair is all up in your face. You push your hair into a ponytail, with a grunt. When you proposed that you wanted to cut your hair a few weeks ago, Sanji rejected. And you both had a huge quarrel. (Doesn’t that sound like a newly wedded couple?) Your best friend ended the fight by punching Sanji, sending him flying off the ship, shouting, “LET THE GIRL CUT HER HAIR!!”  Sanji still rejected, and eventually you gave up and let the hair be. But it still crosses your mind that you should of have cut your hair. Staring at the dress hanging by the door, you thought to yourself. ‘How can I wear such an expensive dress? I mean, look at it, mini pearls at the collar, the dress ending to the ground. Sleeveless and it looks kind weird. Plus, I don’t even like Sanji! I like Luffy and I still do! Scratch that, I love Luffy, but after the incident in the kitchen, you never saw Luffy anymore but you continue to like him. Now that I think about it, I have never eaten in the kitchen anymore!’ You always sat somewhere else away from the kitchen. It’s always either in your room or at the railings. ‘I wonder if Luffy’s still pissed off ‘cause I’m getting married, not that I want to, on HIS ship?’ With that a shock of guilt runs it way up your spine. ‘I don’t know what to do!’ BANG! Your best friends kicks the door open, “(Y/N)-chan! Konnichiwa, lunch time!” You smacked your face, “(Y BF’S N) at least knock!” “Yea, whatever. Here’s your lunch.” She said smiling. She comes in and gives you a plate of fried rice, with lamb chop at the side. “Thanks, (Y BF’S N).” you said. Ever since then, it’s never been the same. Luffy never came out, you’re almost all the time in your room and your best friend volunteers to cook you meals everyday. “Yea, it’s not a problem. Plus, I don’t trust that Sanji. I rather he jump off this ship right now!” she commented with teeth glaring. She takes a seat on the ground as silence takes it role. You slowly put a spoonful at a time into your mouth. “(Y/N)!” your best friend shouts, startling you, you look up from your food, she points to the window, “Open the blinds.” She requested, “It’s too dark.” You simply nod your head and pull the blinds up, as sunlight pours in, you squinted, unused to the light. You turn around and continue eating. Your best friend sits on your bed, and smiles. “Hey, (y/n), I got a plan.” Shoving another spoonful into your mouth, “HM?” you looked to her, giving an evil grin she goes onto explain, “I asked Zoro to bring Luffy to the marriage even though it would kill Luffy, but anyway, Zoro and I are going to be in a tag team and we’re going to terrorize the ship as we terrorize the ship, that no good bastard and his idiotic love problem will go after Nami_” “Wait, why Nami?” you interrupted, asking utterly confused at everything your best friend planned. “Oh yea! I forgot to say, Franky, and Chopper will be Sanji’s best men, Nami and Robin will be your best girls, Brook will be the musician and the priest, and everyone else will be the witness or whatever you call them. Moving on, Nami will be prettier than you, I don’t know how but somehow she will. And when Zoro and I attack the ship, Sanji will be after Nami, because of his stupidity, and Luffy will be after you. We’ll drop a smoke bomb and Zoro and I will pretend we were there when the attack happen! MY PLAN WILL NOT FAIL ME!” She shouts in triumph, rocketing herself into a standing position with her fist pumped in the air. You felt a drop of sweat as you sat on the bed crossed-legged. “Are you sure?” you ask with no satisfaction at all. “I don’t know!” (Y BF’S N) replies playfully showing a toothy grin. She walks to the door, “OH! One more thing, you still like Luffy?” making it sound more of a command then a question. “Yea.” You replied sheepishly. “Okay, keep going. Oh, when the wedding comes, act natural but surprised. Ja-ne!” she leaves the room. You don’t get it. After a while, you also leave the room, you walk out the door in a simple (your favorite color) dress, with your hair still tied back, and small pieces of your hair frame your hair. You walk up the stairs in your bare feet. You didn’t care if you walked in your boots, ‘Too lazy.’ You thought. You reached the artificial lawn as you try to understand the meaning of love. You sit by the railings as the wind blows, watching the clouds move along, feeling the intense heat from the sun beat down on you, listening to the waves hit the side of Thousand Sunny, rocking the boat to the rhythm of the waves. You watch the waves move freely, (Y/N)!” you heard someone scream, you turn your head to the sound, snapping out of your trance and find yourself standing on the railings, with your back to the crew. “Huh?!” you didn’t understand anything. “That’s dangerous, (Y/N), come down from there!” Nami says. “U-u-yea!” you managed to stutter, you slowly and carefully turn around, ‘what was I doing up there?’ you thought to yourself confused at everything, as you were going to land on the grass, a large wave hits the side of the boat, sending you flying, towards the sea. With your back to the sea, you can see your best friend, “(Y/N)!!” she shouts, stretching her hand. ‘What?’ you didn’t scream, you didn’t move, just fall and kept thinking, ‘What? Wait, what?’ you’re falling from a great height, time paused, for you to think; you kept repeating the same words, until, ‘…… I CAN’T SWIM!’ “GYAHH!!!” you managed to escape as time resumed. You see from the distance, you were at you can see you best friend being held back by Robin, Nami, and Sanji leaning over the railings. ‘That’s it! I’m going to die! I’m going to die like this. I don’t want to die!’ you kept thinking. You finally hit the sea, ‘That’s it! I’m going to die like this!’ you keep your hands above the water, trying to get your head above, salty water goes into your nose, making you choke. ‘I’m not going to die!’ you kept thinking to yourself as you tried to find your way to the surface. Energy escapes you slowly. Eventually, you gave out and started to drown. ‘Guh,’ you thought, ‘I’m pathetic!’ you feel the water fill your lungs as everything goes into a blur, your hands still in the surface. Suddenly you felt something warm, ‘probably my imagination.’ Suddenly like a miracle, you can see the sun and the clouds. But everything was still blurry. You get quickly extended to the boat and you can feel yourself dying. “NO! (Y/N), DON’T YOU DARE DIE ON ME!” you heard someone shout. ‘Luffy?’ you thought, “Luffy?’ you said weakly. You feel your eyes grow heavy, as they close; you feel forces of pushes on your stomach. Just as you were about to give out, you coughed up salt water, tears fell onto your cheek, and your vision adjusts to everything once more, Luffy was you your left as your best friend to your right, she looks down on you, “(Y/N)! You’re alive! Thank God!” your best friend, for the first time starts to cry, ‘I- gasp-I-I thought- sniff- I thought I was going to lose you!” Burying her face into your drenched body, you find the strength to pat her, weakly saying, “I won’t die, ever, not for you, or this ship.” Your friend revives quickly, and gets herself straightened out. You get picked up, as you feel yourself being carried princess-style, with your head pressed into something soft. You can faintly pick up Luffy’s scent. “Luffy.” You said weakly, Luffy doesn’t say anything, and just continues to walk. You slowly closed your eyes, took a deep breath and went to sleep onto Luffy’s embrace. 

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