Chapter 1

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The sound of the phone call ringtone wakes the sleeping man up. He checks it and sees a familiar name – Fluke, his manager.

"What is the reason for interrupting my precious sleeping time?"

"Bright, stay at home for a while. Don't open the television or any of your social media sites. I have cancelled all your gigs for this week."

"What if I don't want to?"

The caller answers, "Do it for me please?" Like a spell, Bright finds himself agreeing to what Fluke requests of him.

The other line hangs up the call, leaving the man without motivation to go back to sleep.

What is it this time? It's been only a month that I returned to acting after what happened to Earth.

These thoughts made Bright feel uneasy, like he was thrown into the pit he barely escaped one more time. Although he said yes to what Fluke said, it didn't feel right to obey it without explanation. He found himself pressing the red button on the remote control, boom! He wished he had just followed what he was told, he saw a shocking headline on the news: Mean Phiravich found dead in his apartment.

The reporter continues to speak: "Mean Phiravich, the actor from the most popular series up-to-date was found lifeless in his apartment. His agency has confirmed the news this morning. According to their official statement, only the family members and friends will be permitted to see him for the last time. The cause of death is unknown, but the police are already investigating the case."

Abandoning what was promised, he puts on what is supposed to be a cover-up and sets out.

He runs as fast as he can to avoid anyone from recognizing his face. He makes a left to reach the nearby bus station, only to bump into a random stranger.

"You! Stop in the name of the law!" a voice booms. Bright quickly twists the stranger's arm to subdue him.

"Thank you for helping me catch the thief..." the policeman speaks while trying to catch his breath.

"No need to thank me. Can I leave now? I am actually in a hurry."

Without waiting for a reply, Bright catches the next bus that arrives.

"This is Win from Station 2 speaking, I have caught the thief. I need the police car here right now. Over and out."

"Copy that, this is Saint. I am almost there. Please wait for a bit."

A few minutes past and the siren blares on the street. The thief is then sent to the police station.

Station 2, BKK TH

"P'Saint, P'Zee wants us to come for a meeting regarding a new case."

"Win, I am still trying to finish a report that is due today. Go first and tell him he doesn't need to wait for me."

"Alright P', but please hurry up. You know what will happen if you don't."

Win makes his way to meet their team leader in the meeting room.

"Why are you here alone? Where is Saint? Didn't you inform him about the meeting?" the team leader speaks with a frown on his face.

"He said to tell you that he needs to finish a report and that we can start without him?"

"Is THAT more important than what we have here? He always thinks he'd get his way with me! How insubordinate! Bring me to him this instant!"

"Yes, P'Zee."

With nervous steps, Win escorts his superior to his friend.


"Yes P'Zee?"

"Were you not informed of the meeting?"

"I know all about it and I gave a proper excuse for my absence. I am really busy right now."

"You should set your priorities straight, police officer Saint. I am your team leader, therefore you should leave everything and obey me."


The older stomps like a little kid back to the meeting room.

"Why did you do that P'Zee? You know how stubborn P'Saint is. You should have let him be. Besides, I know you can tell him some other time, you know, at home?" Win can't help but scoff at the team leader.

"You and your friend don't really give a damn about respect. Always pulling the boyfriend and the friend of boyfriend card at me. Here's the file about the new case. Read through then we'll talk about it.

File xx: Earth Teerapat and Mean Phiravich Murder Case

"These two are celebrities right P'Zee? How are we going to investigate this case without being under the scrutiny of the public?"

"That's why this case calls for undercover. As of now, we have a person of interest that we need to follow around. His photo and details are here on a separate file. I want you to go and share this to your dear friend. You may start observing him as soon as you finish reading through. I need reporting day and night, every 12 hours. You talk about the shifting then inform me on what has been decided. That would be all, go back to your desk."

"Understood, P'Zee. Thank you."

Win sits on his assigned desk to check up on the file. He opens it to be surprised with a familiar face, his ex-boyfriend, his first love, his Bright.

What the hell is he doing here? How did he end up being a suspect of murder? He knocks on the opposite desk.

"What is it now Win? I am now sending my report to the head office. My brain seemed to have left me." Saint pouts his lips like a child asking for candy.

"We have to watch someone who's a suspect for the murder case, he's someone I know or maybe knew is more appropriate."

"Who is this, let me see his face – What is this? Isn't this..."

"Yes, it is him P'Saint. The man I vowed to never see again."

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