Chapter 6

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The trio arrives at the station for the meeting with their team leader.

"What's with the frown huh Klein?"

"You just ruined my tea time P'Zee. You really are dense."

"Don't put it out on P'Zee, he wasn't there to see what we were doing. We'll just set another tea party."

"Alright, I give up. I hate it when Saint defends his boyfriend. I end up being speechless because how I wish I have someone like him to defend me. And about the tea party, let's set it as soon as possible. I am not a fan of cliffhangers."

"Enough of that, I called you here to inform you of the open audition for the new talents of our prospect's agency."

"Finally, I can see more men. I need a change of view." Klein says, that makes his mates laugh.

"You aren't there for sightseeing. We'd come for a mission." The youngest reminds Klein.

The team leader continues, "I would like you to try and look for clues or if there's anything weird with the people around our prospect. Check if there's a possibility of them helping each other, I know you guys know what I mean."

Win lets out a sigh, thinking about ways to build up his walls again knowing that it almost crumbled a while ago. Saint notices it and gives his friend a pat on the shoulder.

"Nong Win, would you like me to spend the night at yours? You might want some company."

"Don't worry P'Saint. I've got this covered. Thank you for the concern though."

Win leaves the station. As soon as he gets on the bus, he drowns memories in music.

He is welcomed by silence at his apartment. All this time, he has spent time alone. Why did this happen when he thought that he can finally live without thinking of the reason he ended up this way? Just when he was ready to open his heart again, the guy who broke his heart returns and makes him confused. He tries to make himself calm with a glass of wine. After finishing it, he goes to his bed to lie down with hopes that the next day be favorable to him.

The next day, the trio comes to Bright's agency for the audition. Klein can't help but exclaim upon the sight of the men who would like to audition. Saint tries his best to shush him to avoid catching the people's attention and for them to be able to concentrate with observing the surroundings.

As time passed by, the people auditioning came into a room in batches and went out with different expressions on their faces. Although this was just a mission given to them, Klein, Saint and Win did their best in rehearsing what they will do when they are called.

Soon enough they were the last ones called to audition. They were thrown off to see the agency's famous duo, Bright and his manager, Fluke.

"Please look into the camera and introduce yourself." Fluke commands.

They say their introductions one-by-one, and does test shots while looking at different directions.

"Alright for this part, let me test your wits with a given situation." Bright speaks, resulting with everyone getting shocked.

"Why would you do that?"

"Fluke, you made me come here but you would not let me test the people who would like to be part of our family. I just thought that maybe I can help you find someone that can replace me?"

Fluke's face remained still but his eyes say otherwise. His mind is just full of thoughts, full of questions he would like to ask. He just gives a nod to Bright as a reply.

"Okay Klein, you're up. I would like you to show how you feel through a dance."

Klein looks like he didn't know what to do but when the music played, he turned into a different person. Feeling every beat, swaying his hips, moving his hands like a piece of art. The song ends with applause from the audience.

"Win, please come to the center."

Win walks and tries to meet Bright's eyes like they don't have an effect on him.

"I would like you to think that you are still in love with someone from the past. How would you react if you see that person after a long time?"

So this is how you would like to play with me now P'Bright? Well then, I will give you what you want.

Tears slowly fall from Win's eyes, catching the audience off guard. How did he internalize such intense feelings that fast? He just kept on letting them fall, without making a sound. The atmosphere felt heavy all of a sudden. But when he hears the word Cut! , he just wipes it like nothing ever happened. The panel writes something on the form then calls Saint for his test.

Bright gives him a situation too, "Try to seduce me."

Saint's eyes widen and asks if it was really his test.

"A talent should be able to do any role given to him, right Fluke?"

"Yes, what Bright said is true." Fluke speaks but it was obvious that the corners of his mouth is twitching.

"Can you stand in front of me, Khun Bright?"

Bright stands up from his seat and faces Saint. Saint meets his eyes with a different look. He begins with raising one of his brow and steps closer to Bright. He reduces the distance between them, building up the tension. He guides Bright's hand to his waist, and then he pulls him by the neck, tilts his head like he was going to kiss him. But it ends with him pushing Bright away.

"Is that enough for you?"

Bright turns to take a glance at what Win's reaction is. But it is not what he expected, it seemed like Win was just doing fine. His jaw makes a clicking sound as he goes back to his seat.

"Thank you for participating, we would call you after a few days about the result." Fluke concludes the audition.

The trio goes out of the agency only to be met by their fuming team leader.

"You two, go back using the car you brought here. And Saint, you come with me."

"I would like to refuse P'Zee. I will come back with my friends. Let's just meet at the station."

The team leader can't hide his anger but doesn't talk. He just goes on the car, slamming the door then speeds up to go to the station.

This feels like another audition right now for the trio, but nobody dared speak a word on the ride to the station.

"What were you doing at the agency? I told you to investigate, not to flirt with the prospect!" The team leader screams at them.

"So what was I supposed to do? Show our badges and then interrogate them? You were the one who asked us not to blow our cover, P'Zee!" Saint replies with the same intensity.

"How about you two? Were you there to just enjoy the show?" Zee asks the others.

"You think I enjoyed it? You think I liked to see that man play with my feelings?!" Win responds, with his whole body trembling.

"You guys need to calm the fuck down. There's no one sane enough to speak. We're policemen on a mission right now, not lovers or exes." Klein finally lets out a statement that puts an end to the crazy fight in the station.

"I am asking for permission to leave, P'Zee. Can we just do the meeting after we get to rest properly?"

"I am coming with Win, P'Zee. Let's just spend some time apart. You're not thinking straight."

Win and Saint leave together without even waiting for their superior's approval. The conversation's going nowhere knowing that everybody's got an issue.

Saint drives to a nearby convenience store to buy food and drinks. This night at Win's apartment is surely gonna be a long ass one.

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⏰ Last updated: May 15, 2020 ⏰

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