~•Unexpected Visit:3•~

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Finn POV

I open my eyes, the bright lights blinds me and I shut them immediately covering my eyes with my hand.
"Finn! Your awake!" A voice shouts hugging me. As my eyes adjust to my surrounding I open them and look around. I see I'm in the medical room.
"Of course I'm awake" I say smiling, I look beside me to see the rest of Fontaine's family unconscious.
"How long have they been unconscious " I ask gesturing in their direction.
"Since they got out of the trance, so around 3 hours." She responds pulling away from me.
"I passed out back there didn't I?" I say stating the obvious.
"Mhm" she responded, she picks her tablet up "your vitals are fine"
I sit up properly looking around the medical room. The Nektons medical room and our medical room is very different. Firstly we don't even have most of the equipment and the room actually looks like it will collapse at any moment.
"What are you doing here in the first place" she asks narrowing her eyes pulling me out of my thoughts, "and you still haven't told me how you manage to get onto the Aronax without anyone noticing"
"Well Dad found out who gave the emp... empchron back to you. One of the crew told on me" I said scratching my head "it's my secret, plus it's fun teasing you" I joked, she responds by rolling her eyes.

"The empheychron" Fontaine added smiling correcting my mistake "so what are you doing here?"
"Well he said he disowned me, so I was wondering if I could stay here for a couple of days until he forgets about that" I answer.
"Of course, just be careful not to get caught by Mom and Dad or Ant" she added glancing in their direction.
"It will only be a couple of days promise" I promise.


"Here you can stay in here" Fontaine said taking me into this 'secret room'.
"Wow" I say as I look around the room, it been painted and it look amazing.
"Did you paint this" I ask stepping into the room.
"Mom helped me," she said as she pointed to a space, there was a blanket and a small mattress.
"Only Mom knows about this spot but never comes in here" Fontaine said as she grabbed some pillows from the other side of the room.
"Thank you Fontaine" I say.
"Goodnight" she whispered "if you need anything I assume you still have my old communicator to contact me with" she says smirking opening the vent about to leave.
I take out the communicator from my pocket, she smiles.
"Goodnight Fontaine" I whisper back.


Fontaine POV
I head back to the medical room to check on Mom, Dad and Ant.
"Fontaine?" Mom asks sleepily over her comm, I ran down the corridor to the medical room.
"Mom!" I say standing beside her bed.
"I just feel like I've woken up from the nicest dream" she replied stretching her arms out and sitting up.
"You could put it that way I guess" I reply checking her vitals, "your vitals seem fine"
"Are you okay?" Mom asked worriedly putting her hand on my shoulder.
"I'm fine, just please don't leave me alone like that again" I say giving a small smile.
"Where is the creature anyway?" Mom asked once she was certain I was fine.
"Somewhere, down in the depths of the ocean, I made sure of that" I reply with a sigh of relief.
She looked at me suspiciously, "Mom?" I ask as she shakes her head coming back to reality.
"What are you hiding" Mom asks narrowing her eyes at me.


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