04 | A F T E R M A T H

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"I still can't get over yesterday's game, like we killed it on that pitch and we're going to the finals!" Bailey says as we sit in Teddy's dinner having breakfast.

"I felt like a proud mom yesterday, it was so nice to see the team so happy" I say smiling at the memory of us all celebrating in here last night

"I've got to say El, we wouldn't be here without you and that's for definite" She says pointing her fork at me

"Well I'm definitely glad I tried back out for soccer, I did miss it, a lot" I say waiting for the I told you so comment to come out her mouth.

"And who was the one who convinced you after 5 years of being too stubborn about it" She says raising her eyebrows up at me like I knew she would.

"That would be you, my best friend Bailey who is the greatest person alive" I say sarcastically getting a laugh from the both of us.

"I just need to get you back watching soccer and the national team" She says making me scoff at her optimism yeah, wasn't going to happen.

"Yeah never going to happen B"

"You say that about everything in life Elena, remember when you said you'd never go to prison" She quirks, raising an eyebrow at me

"Okay how long are you going to hold that against me for!"

"Oh for the rest of our lives Elena Carter" She smirks out

We finish of our food and say our goodbyes to Bobby before heading round to Hunters house where she's throwing a party to celebrate us getting to the finals.

"How much do you want to bet Hunter has bought a bunch of alcohol and as soon as it turns midday she's going to get completely wasted," Bailey says as we get in her car

"I would bet you my life savings that she is going to be drunk as fuck today" I reply laughing at the memory of Hunter at the last party we went to. She decided to challenge Dylan, the football captain, to a beer-chugging contests and completely embarrassed herself but it gave everyone a laugh.

"Lexa's staying over at mine tonight so are you okay to take the couch" Bailey asks

"It's fine B, I'll head home tonight and sleep there" I tell my best friend wanting to give her time with her girlfriend

"You can't go back-"

"You have the night with your girlfriend Bails and I'll go home, I promise it will be fine okay" I say cutting her off before she can try and convince me otherwise

"Fine, but if anything happens, and I mean anything, you ring me and I'll be straight over there to pick you up"

"Aye aye captain" I say and shoot her a wink

"No you're the captain and she has just arrived at the party" She says pulling up outside Hunters house.

"Well we better go show our faces" I tell her, quickly jumping out the car and putting on my snapback.

"Captain in da house!" Brooke shouts yet again causing me to flinch at her loud voice.

"Brooke! How many times have I said to not shout that every time I walk in somewhere" I say shouting at my teammate jokingly

"And I've told you that I've got a couple of months till we graduate and it needs to stick by then" She says in defence flashing me her toothy grin

I roll my eyes at the girl and venture further into the house trying to find the rest of my teammates. It turns out they're all congregated in the kitchen talking over something.

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