05 | R U N N I N G

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I rush up to my room, as quietly as I can not wanting any more reason for him to start beating me again and start packing up. I take the bare minimum and just when I'm about to leave I go to the corner of my room, lifting up the loose floorboard where all my money and valuables are.

I take all the important thing, like my passport and license, plus some of the cash I've kept for his reason exactly. I pull out the box of all my childhood items and contemplate whether or not I take it with me but due to the last minute circumstances I'm in, I can't be carrying it around with me.

After grabbing everything important to me and stuffing it into a duffle bag, I leave my house before the sun can even come up the next morning, god what's my life come to.

My plan of leaving after finals has gone to shit and I'm currently walking to the bus station now, ready to buy a ticket to my sisters with no plan of coming back.

I know I should really tell Bailey where I'm going but she'll try to stop me and convince me it's the wrong thing to do but I need to get out of here. My sanity can't handle another minute in this hell hole.

I don't turn back when I leave my childhood home behind and just head on towards the bus station, wanting to forget everything that I've ever witnessed in that house. The bad memories out weigh the good, and they're all I can think about right now.

I sling my bag over my shoulder and make the long walk to the station in the dark, hoping nothing bad happens before I even get there. The area I love is dodgy enough that you could be shoved in a van for being out this late.

It takes me about an hour to get there and by the time I do my feet are as sore as anything and I'm ready to sleep for the next year. I check my phone to see it's at 5 percent and it's 2:30 in the morning.

Great. I let out a deep sigh as I head inside to buy myself a ticket to the one and only Salt Lake City.

"excuse me, what time is the next bus to Salt Lake City?" I ask the old looking guy half asleep behind the counter.

"It leaves in an hour darling , do you want a ticket?" He asks me

"just the one-way please"

He prints me off my ticket and I hand him most of the money I have left from my job and that my parents haven't taken from me for their drugs. Making sure to keep my stash hidden so I'm not robbed, I sit down in one of the chairs and quickly write down my sister's address on my hand before my phone runs out of charge.

God, am I really doing this right now? I say to myself, hoping on a bus in the middle of the night to go see my sister after over a decade? It's not like I was left with many choices, I swear the man was going to kill me if I started a second longer.

I let out a sigh and set my bag on the seat before shuffling myself down and lying back, hoping to get some sleep in the hour wait I've got here.

- - - -

"Bus to Salt Lake City is now here, bus to Salt Lake City" I hear get announced over the intercom waking me up from my semi peaceful sleep.

I do my best to stay alert and awake while I grab my bag and follow the few people also heading the way where I'm going, but after everything that has gone on today, I'm finding it increasingly hard to keep my eyes open.

"Ticket, please" I get asked by the driver.

I hand him mine and he quickly stamps it before letting me onto the bus where I head to an empty seat. I sit down behind a few empty rows and swiftly close my eyes again, hoping the next time I'll wake up it will be my stop.

"Excuse me miss" I hear someone say as they shake my shoulder

"We're at the end of the road" I nice-looking woman tells me

I smile at her thankfully and grab my bag, quickly stretching out my cramped muscles and heading off the bus into the humid night's air.

"Sorry to bother you, but do you know the way to this address?" I ask the same lady once we're both watching the bus drive off.

"let me have a look" She replies kindly and puts the address into her phone before showing me the way to go.

It's already around 9 in the morning and the walk should take me around 50 minutes to get there. I just pray that she's in when I arrive. I thank the lady and set off on my journey to Hopes' place

It's not too bad of a walk, I managed to rest up on the ride over here and my legs are semi recovered from my game the other day, soon enough I spot the sign for her road.

Something in me just wants to turn back around right this second and go back to my parent's house and forget about it all, why would she want me here anyway, she left me alone all those years ago?

I mean it's not like I'm going to be staying long, just enough time to keep myself safe and before I head off to College. That's if they'll even let me in still.

I walk towards the house number that is written on my hand, noticing the bright red door and the small pride flag that sits in the window next to it.

I take the step up to her front door and nervously hover my hand over the wooden frame, I guess it's now or never.

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