08 | B U S T E D

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It's been a few days since I've arrived at the Solo/O'Hara household. So far it's been going smoothly, the pair are out most days with training and recovery so I'm left trying to fill my day with things to do.

So far I've cleaned the house top to bottom, cooked a full 3-course meal and managed to fix the squeaking door and windows. They also have a garden with a net outside so I've filled most of my hours out there too.

Sometimes Kelley will come out and kick the ball around with me which is nice but Hope won't come out at all and I'm not going to ask her about it either, things are still a little, tense, between us at the minute.

I'm currently in my room texting Bailey who's at lunch right now in school.

Everyone is asking why you aren't in
especially with the final tomorrow,
people are getting worried

Just say I'm over my cold and just
resting today, I've literally been
training for the past few days harder
than I ever have, I'm bored out of
my mind B!

I can tell! You won't stop calling me
every night which I don't mind but 2
in the morning?!

Okay, I see how that looks bad
now but I couldn't sleep thinking
about things at home anchor much

I missed you :(

That's cute, you missed me

Don't let it go to your head Bailey,
but yes I miss you and when I see you tomorrow I'm giving you the
biggest hug ever

I'm fine with that El, I'll catch
you later, lunch is about to end

okay, see you soon B

I put my phone down to one side and lie there on my back just staring up at the ceiling in thought. I can't help but think about my parents and what they said to me, what dad said more specifically before I left.

'you're the reason she's dead, you and your other piece of shit sister'

Who's dead and why is it mine and Hope's fault, it's probably just the drugs talking but I can't shake the feeling that he telling the truth about something, I want to ask Hope but our relationship is already patchy enough.

"I know you two are hiding something from me, I can just tell!" I hear someone say downstairs as the front door is opened

Shit. I jump up from where I'm lying and frantically look around my room for what to do. The place is a mess, my clothes everywhere and all the stuff I took with me scattered across the room. I do my best to grab everything and shove it into the wardrobe.

You see the thing is we haven't told anyone that I'm living here, Hope has never mentioned to her teammates about having a sister, convenient right, or even parents, Kelley says that everyone just thinks they're dead because she never talks about them.

I'm not bothered she hasn't talked about me because I haven't told anyone about her either, the only person who knows I have a sibling is Bailey but that's because I've known her since we were in diapers.

"Chris you're imagining things, if we had something to tell you then I would have said something by now" I hear Kelley say getting closer to where I am.

"Not buying it Kelley, you and Hope keep having little private conversations and I hear you mention someone called Lenny earlier" I hear Chris say and I think Kelley is talking to Christen Press like one of my favourite players for Utah

"Chris just stop for a second and we'll explain what's going on," Hope says almost outside my room.

"so there is something happening! I knew it" Christen exclaims

I stand by the door wondering what the hell I'm meant to do now, is Hope going to tell Christen about me? My question gets answered for me as my bedroom door us pulled open.

"You can come out El," Kelley says and I sheepishly smile at the shell struck a player in front of me

"Nice to meet you, Christen, I'm Elena Carter," I say sticking my hand out for her to shake

"well Solo technically," Kelley says putting an arm around my shoulder which makes me feel a little uncomfortable

"Okay I was not expecting this to be the secret you were keeping from me, you adopted a kid!" Christen exclaims look between my sister and Kelley

I go to I interject and correct the girl but Hope beats me to it and says something I definitely wasn't expecting.

"Yep! This is our adopted daughter Elena" Hope says putting her arm around my other side so I'm standing in the middle of her and Kelley

I'm sorry, did I hear that right, did Hope seriously just call me Kelley and her daughter?! This girl is on another level.

"That's right, my two awesome moms," I say with a fake smile on my face as I turn to give Hope a death glare

"Wow I'm- wow" Is all Christen says she seems to be just as surprised as I am

"We didn't tell you because it was quite sudden and we wanted Elena to settle into our home first before she met people," Hope says to her friend just sprouting out a huge lie like it's nothing.

"why don't you go to the living room Chris and we'll meet you in the in a second," Kelley says as we watch Christen walk-off

"Hope! What the fuck went through your head to say that I'm your bloody daughter!"

"I panicked okay! I didn't want to explain that you're my sister because then I'd have to explain why youre here which means talking about them and I'm not doing that" She says referring them as our parents

"Some communication beforehand would have been nice Hope, now I've got a daughter, no offence Elena, that I had no clue I was getting," Kelley says to her girlfriend and I just shrug her off

"We can't go back on it now so we go down there and act like you're our new daughter alright, I'll think of something later," Hope says to the pair of us

Kelley and I just look at each other in disbelief that we're actually doing this, all I wanted was for somewhere to lie low until I went off to college not to become someone's bloody daughter.

"let me answer the questions okay, I'm a pro at this kind of stuff," I tell the adults as I walk in first.

"Sorry about not letting them tell you, Christen, I was just a bit nervous for everyone to know about me, I'm a bit of a fan, I used to watch you play for Utah all the time," I say and pretend to sound apologetic.

"It's not a problem sweetie, I shouldn't have pushed them to tell me what was going on in their lives I was just worried for them that's all" Christen says sympathetically

"I would love to stay and chat but I really need to finish off my homework, mom is it okay if I leave?" I ask Hope who looks at me a little shocked, that's what you get

"Y-yeah, of course, pumpkin, go finish off what you need to do" I almost throw up at the pet name she's given me

"Nice meeting you Christen, I hope we can talk again soon," I say smiling at her and heading up to my room out of sight.

Hope Solo, you've really done it this time haven't you.

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