07 | A N G E R

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"Hey Hope, do you mind if I borrow your phone and call someone real quick, mines's out of charge," I ask her once we've finished talking over breakfast.

"Yeah sure" She replies and hands me hers over, it's a lot nicer than the one I've currently got but I guess that's the case when you play soccer professionally.

I take a deep breath in and prepare myself for the bollocking I'm about to receive from Bailey when I call her, she will go off on me for not telling her that I was leaving it not going to hers after my dad hit me.

I press the call button and hold the phone up to my ear for a second letting it ring through until I hear a voice on the other end.

"Hello?" She asks probably not knowing who the random number is.

"Hey Bailey, it's me" I reply cautiously. 

"Elena Carter Solo! Where the hell are you? I've been worried sick looking over town for you the past 3 hours and I thought your parents had done something bad!" She screams down the phone and I wince slightly at the anger in her voice, even Kelley and Hope can hear her.

"Look, I went home and it was worse than expected and I had to get out so I just pushed our plan a little further ahead of time," I tell her trying to be casual about it all.

"Well okay then, that's perfectly fine Elena!" She says sarcastically down the phone making me roll my eyes at her behaviour. She can be so bloody dramatic. 

"My phone was dead! How was I supposed to call you until I got here" I say in my defence

"I don't know El, borrow someone's phone to call me or you know what would be even better, fucking come over which is what I specifically said to do if something happened!" She shouts to me

"I wasn't thinking at the moment alright! I'm safe now at her house so just chill out please and then we can actually talk like responsible people" I tell Bailey

"I thought the worst had happened, I thought you'd done a Jaz," She says sadly and I tense at that

"I would never do that you know that," I tell her seriously only to hear a sigh let out on the other end. We don't talk about that often.

"so you've seen her then?" She asks me, keeping the calmer attitude

I glance at the pair in front of me for a second and decide it's best if I take the rest of the call somewhere else, god knows what Bails might say over the phone.

"It was weird B, I knocked on the door and Kelley answered it asking who I was" I start to explain but get cut off already

"Kelley? Who is Kelley" She asks me

"Kelley O'Hara, apparently she and my sister have been a thing for over 6 years," I reply, the pair of us going back to our usual gossiping selves

"Shut up! You literally love the woman, I'm surprised you were even able to get a sentence out to her" Bailey says laughing at me down the phone, I just roll my eyes even though she can't see me.

"anyways, she asked me who I was and I said I was here for Hope, she called Hope over and she then says 'sorry do I know you' like erm, yes you fucking do" I rant to my best friend

"Wow, that's cold, she didn't even recognise you!" Bailey asks in surprise

"Right! So then I said something along the lines of 'I know it's been like ten years, but you wouldn't forget you're little Lennie would you?' and then she was shocked, to say the least," I say

"I'm not surprised, that's a pretty good line too, proud of you for that one," She says making me chuckle

"Just wait for this though, she had the audacity to ask why I was here, like bitch you could have been more welcoming, nothing like oh my God Lennie I've missed you so much" I continue to rant out

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