Skipping Apprenticeship Thoughts: Chapter 5

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"Ivydawn, I know you didn't get to get a good grip on Nightpuddle, but it's better that you haven't, he's a clan leader," Berrybird said, with a dead mouse in his mouth.

I didn't say anything. I was still angry at myself, but maybe Berrybird is right. Maybe I shouldn't have touched Nightpuddle. After all, I killed two of his friends. "Yeah, whatever," I said, trying to sound cool with the situation.

Blackthorn walked inside the den. "Hey, Ivydawn. Lilysky wishes to speak with you," he said, standing tall.

I walked outside of the den and Lilysky was there. She didn't send me to her tree or den to speak with her, she wanted to talk outside of my den, in front of everyone. "Yes?" I asked.

"I heard what you did to Nightpuddle's gang. I am very proud of you, you killed our rivals and left Flowerfrost's murderer injured. I wanted to know if you like to be our next top warrior," Lilysky said, proudly.

"Warrior? I don't know... I haven't been an apprentice for so long. I've only been an apprentice for a moon," I said.

Lilysky sighed. "You are strong, skip apprenticeship. You don't need that anymore," she said.

I was very skeptical about this. Being a warrior is basically supporting your clan and family's needs and protecting them. I was barely trained and had no idea how to fight. I was obviously taught some tricks and moves but I need more training. "Lilysky, I refuse to be a warrior. I need to be an apprentice, I am hardly trained. I need more learning and practice with my mentor, Swanpaw. She hasn't taught me everything. Five more moons, okay?" I added.

Lilysky was disappointed but understanding. "Understood. Why do you think I gave you your warrior name as a fresh apprentice? I gave your friends their names too, everyone else has paw in their names. And get this, Badgerpaw, that will be his warrior name. He just has a thick white line on his paw, so that's why we gave him his name. He doesn't look like a badger," she said.

I was very tired and I was still annoyed that I didn't catch Nightpuddle. "Hey, Ivydawn the great," Berrybird said, dragging me away from Lilysky. "You look bored talking to her so I decided to pull you away," he said.

I laughed. "Yeah, it's annoying. She wants me to be a warrior but I don't know..." I said, licking my paw, nervously.

"Did you say yes? That's a great opportunity for you!" Berrybird said.

"Of course not, I've only been an apprentice for a while..." I said, looking down.

"Why do you think she gave us our full names instead of "fur" in our names? She expects us to skip apprenticeship and become warriors!" Berrybird said, putting his chin on my head,"Why would you say no? I already accepted."

"You did?" I asked.

Berrybird looked at the sky, "Of course I did! I got caught in the moment!!" he said.

"Good, but I need more training," I said, walking inside the den.

Berrybird stood there, thinking. "Hey, where's Ivydawn?" Badgerpaw asked.

"In her den, she's not in the mood to t-" Badgerpaw walked inside the den ,"Hey, ferocious," he said.

"Hey..." I replied back. I wasn't in any mood to talk to anyone, especially my parents and Lilysky.

Lilysky walked in the den, "I forgot to mention to you, if you change your mind, come to my tree. If you want to wait a couple moons until apprenticeship is over, understood. You will have to automatically be a warrior once your time is up," she said, as her soft voice faded away.

"She's stressing me out," I meowed.

Badgerpaw looked down, "It's okay, but I accepted the opportunity. I can't miss it," he said.

I was more stressed. My mate and my brother already accepted the request without telling me. "Hey, Ivydawn?" Berrybird purred.

"Yes??" I said.

"You okay? You have no emotion?" Berrybird said, licking my forehead.

Badgerpaw was very upset for some odd reason. "Badgerpaw, are you okay?" I said.

"Still upset that Patchtail is dead... We didn't catch Nightpuddle either. Everything in our lives are fails..." he said.

"Get over it. My brother is dead, it seems that all of his beloved siblings don't care, why do you? We'll catch Nightpuddle, now stop being negative," Berrybird hissed.

Badgerpaw stood there. "Hey, Berrybird, we care that he's gone. Just get out, now," I ordered.

Berrybird stood there, looking down. "I'm sorry, Badgerpaw... I'm just upset..." he said.

Duskflight hasn't arrived in many moons, and he finally paid a visit. Lilysky ordered all warriors outside of their dens to the middle of the land. "Warriors! Now," she demanded.

Badgerpaw and Berrybird ran outside. I wanted to go outside, but it's pointless. Most of the apprentices and kits went outside, but the warriors were called to. If I were to go outside, it would seem as if I wanted to skip apprenticeship and become a warrior. I saw Badgerpaw waiting for me to get out my den. I did not get outside at all, I wasn't waiting for a reaction, it wasn't my place to. "Lilysky, Ivydawn won't come out," Badgerpaw whispered.

"Father, what brings you here?" Lilysky said, ignoring Badgerpaw.

"Well, a middle-aged black cat is playing around with my clan. His name is Midnightpuddle? Midpuddle... no... Nightpuddle?" Duskflight said, hissing at his own words.

"Nightpuddle?" Lilysky asked.

"Yes, that old dumb cat. He's manipulating my clanmates. It's not funny... Well, he was manipulating my clanmates..." Duskflight said.

"What happened to him?" Lilysky asked.

Duskflight looked down. "He's dead. I saw his body lying on the ground, a pool of his own blood and a dog tooth next to it," he said.

Badgerpaw ran inside the den. Berrybird followed. "He's dead... We don't have a quest to complete..." Badgerpaw said, jumping.

"That's not good! How did he die?" I said, licking my paw, shaking.

"It seems like a dog killed him..?" Berrybird said.

I looked at Berrybird. "How would you know...?" I asked.

"Fine... I killed him in cold blood... But I don't know where the dog tooth came from..." Berrybird said.

"You killed him? How?" I said.

Berrybird stood there. "I sliced his throat..." he said, shaking.

Heyyyy guys! Sorry I've been offline for a bit, I was trying to make a conclusion for this chapter. These chapters won't be as long as expected, but they'll have great hooks!!


But if it weren't for quarantine, I wouldn't be having the idea of making a fan made WARRIORS BOOK!


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