Chapter 6

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Ino watched her best friend being placed inside that demons car, having a strong feeling something bad will happen. Running to her yellow punch buggy buckling herself in eyeing his car. Her hands gripping the wheel debating whether she should attempt to rescue her and possibly die or do nothing.

"I'm sorry, Hinata.." letting out a disappointing sigh whispering out her name as she watches the car that her loves in becoming a blur.

The blonde beauty started the engine driving back home thinking of a plan.



Naruto ordered her staring into her watery eyes as he began going into her subconscious.

He looked around secretly amazed her subconscious is very calming. The night twinkling sky standing on top a grassy mountain with trees about two miles away.

Naruto looks to his right and saw the female angel looking up being calm even though he forced himself into her subconscious.

"You can't be here, Naruto." She turned to head to face him and put her hand up midway.

He grabbed her wrist tightly, pulling her close to him full force with his nose wrinkled and narrowed eyes annoyed as hell right now. "I can't be here?! You were the one who entered into my mind!! Just like him!"

"I'm sorry, but you can't know what I really am." She insisted on saying that sentence and nothing more that could altar the possibility of them becoming lovers. His grip getting tighter as she could feel her hand becoming numb.

"Oh I can't?!" He laughs devilishly in her face gripping her wrist tighter as his anger rises up. "I'll just go into your mind! And find out why you have trouble telling me your reasons." Letting go of her wrist to cup her face making sure her head stays still.

A blush creeped across her face feeling the warmth of his hands on her again enough though he hates her being. She closes her eyes knowing he can't enter which causes him to yell at her to open them. "If you find the truth, I don't know what will happen to you, sorry!" He stopped yelling and stared at her for a moment coming up with a different way.

His lips formed a smirk which only shows how much fun he's having with this angel. He knows she's not from this world which is really weird for him.

Naruto knows the highest level supernatural creatures can go into another world and come back as they please, but he never knew one that can hop from world to world and not die from exhaustion, except for Lucifer. He wants to know how she can and what reason is there for her being in his world.

As she's talking about being worried for his mental state if he proceeds on going further, he hears Kurama tell him not to kill her.

Why not? Does he sense her being a high level angel even though he's not here?

Naruto questioned Kurama's words a little too long before realizing her two fingers are touching his forehead. Oh shit..

"Memory erase." Hinata said blankly her eyes glowing deleting Naruto's memories of suspecting her being an angel and their intimate night together. She pushed him out of her subconscious also controlling her body again so she can erase Kurama's memory as well.

Hinata holds the unconscious blonde demon whispering her love for him not wanting to leave his side again—not after their previous lives. She rolls him to the side of his bed and sits up looking at the fox demon.

She walks towards him a bit surprised that he isn't growling, 'he must have a feeling' she thought and stopped in front of him.

"We've met before, correct?" His voice deep as ever and calm right now. Calm in front of an angel that put his master to sleep? It had her questioning what his next move will be.

"Correct. More times than I can count on my fingers." Her voice calm as well perfect for an angel. She does miss him too. His bossiness when Naruto is too tired to be present or him being a fellow pet, but always loyal to him.

"Hm." He sat up walking towards the bed where his idiot master lied. Looking at his face then at hers trying to connect the invisible dots. "If you erase my memory as well, there's a chance you may never have your way with him. You claim you love him, but you erased the memory that could have him wanting more"

Hinata bit her bottom lip as her eyes landed on his sleeping face, "No, even without that memory I will stand by his side again. He's my everything." She walks to the fox demon and puts two fingers on his forehead. "I wasn't supposed to be awaken and now that I am, he cannot know our lives before this one." A soft smile formed on her face to him, but he knows her smile is a sad one. '"Memory erase."

She gently put the fox on the ground softly so it won't hit his head. Looking at the two sleeping males one last time before she hides her angelic energy from them.

"It's time." She told herself as she walks out of his home. She needs to become one with herself.


I will always love you, Naruto.

Naruto woke up in a jump looking around his bedroom for anything suspicious. His heart for some reason his beating fast that he could hear it loudly in his ears.

He puts his hand over his heart wondering who said those words to him and who gave him a loving embrace. He searched his mind to find a face that matches that sweet voice, but just when he's close a loud snore broke out of his thoughts.

"What the fu-" Naruto looks over his bed and saw Kurama sleeping on the floor. He stared at the fox snoring loudly before kicking his butt to wake up.

Kurama jump and stared at the blonde demon growling at him for waking him up. "Wake me up like that again and I'll rip your leg off!!"

"You snore too fucking loud, you damn fox!" he shouted back but stopped. "Wait.. why are you out? I don't remember for what reason." Naruto stares at him confused trying to remember the reason.

"Someone took away that part of my memory!" He growls thinking it could've been Lucifer but shakes his head.

There's no way he can be the one.. he doesn't have any business with me anymore..

Kurama looks at his frustrated face and sits up, closing his eyes. "The one who did it is a woman with midnight blue hair. She's an angel."

The blonde stares at him with disbelief although hearing his tone showed he's telling the truth.

"You're the only monster that cannot have his memories wiped so easily. You're not giving me everything. Does that mean this angel has the power of the highest supernatural creatures?" He mumbled standing up and walking around his bedroom.

He stops when he sees the book wondering how it got here.

His voice got serious mixed with slight anger. "We need a tracker..and I know the best one."

"I thought you would never speak about or to her ever again?" He looks at Naruto and huffs out knowing he won't enjoy this.

"True. I fucking hate her, but Shion is the best to tracking mysterious creatures. Especially ones hiding their energy." He gritted his teeth feeling useless for asking someone's help.

Pulling out his phone and goes into his contacts looking for her name but remembered he blocked her so he goes to his block list."Here we go."




"Naruto, what a pleasant surprise." Her voice is soothing, sexy, and most of all..bitchy.

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