Chapter 15 - Roger rabbit.

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A/N : Sorry I haven't updated in forever, this story was on hold due to ZERO inspiration. Im taking it off hold now but I wont be updating it very often as much as my other stories, just whenever I get a chapter idea. If anyone wants to give me ideas or whatever just leave a comment or inbox me, I'd appreciate it a lot ! 

Thankyou for sticking by !


*** 6 MONTHS LATER ***

It was 3 o clock in the morning and I had woken up randomly. I sat up and sighed, I was nine months pregnant with Kellin and I's baby daughter, who we had decided to name Alice. I lent up against the bed post and then looked at a sleeping Kellin and smiled softly, he looked so peaceful. 

All of a sudden I felt a sharp pain in my stomach, I almost doubled over in pain, my mouth hung over in shock of this strangely awful feeling. I wrapped my arms around my stomach and then sat back, taking another deep breath. The only light in the room was from the moonlight coming through the window beside me.

 It was a cold March night, which would turn out to be one of the most eventful nights I'd had in a while.

A few moments later I got the same feeling and realised I must've been in labour, I grabbed Kellin's arm and squeezed it in attempt to wake him up, then failed miserably at it. I dug my nails into him which appeared to do the job.

'What the hell are you doing?' he muttered sleepily.

'Im in a labour' I breathed as another contraction hit me.

'What?!' he almost shouted, he was wide awake now.

'Labour, Kellin, Im having the baby!' I said loudly in frustration.

He climbed out of bed rapidly, turning the lights on. He was in just his boxers which was a moment I unfortunately couldn't savour as I had my mind on other things. His hair was all messy as he rapidly got dressed. I got out of bed, managing to pull on a pair of gym shorts and a vest top and then I grabbed the bag I had prepared a week before as we knew it wouldn't be long. We didn't say anything to each other, we were both too nervous and scared to. 

The drive to the hospital was a horrible. I felt every lump and bump in the road as my contractions hit me like a train. Kellin just looked like he was in total panic mode which made me even more nervious than I already was. 

It was pitched black outside and freezing, the nurses came running as I waddled in like a whale, sitting me in a wheel chair and going at about 500 miles per hour which resulted in me throwing up as soon as they handed me a bowl. This was going to be a long night. 

I was immediately hooked up to monitors and they took some blood and checked how many centimetres dialated I was; five. I was only half way there. I frowned at the nurse, confused as hell.

'I dont remember my waters breaking' I asked as I had a painfree moment.

 'Did you take a shower or bath this afternoon? Normally most women don't notice it then, even if their contractions haven't started yet' the nurse said.

'Oh...' I wish I'd known.

I was really tired and hungry, but I couldn't eat and I couldn't sleep as it felt like someone was trying to push a desk out of my vagina. 

Kellin also looked really tired, I felt sorry for him, he'd had a long day at the studio, when he had come home earlier he was so tired, he'd only managed a few hours then I had gone and woken him up. Poor guy. It wasn't long before he was asleep again, I didnt mind, as long as he didn't miss the actual birth, he could sleep as much as he wanted, I'd only piss him off with my hormones anyway.

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