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*Mary's p.o.v* 

After picking up Max from school we watched a movie as a family. It was a very quiet afternoon. The mood in the house was so emotionless. Demi didn't even cuddle with me during the movie which was unusual because we always loved to cuddle and have Max in the middle of us. 

After 9pm Max was already knocked out. 

"Imma go finish the song I was writing." Demi said.

"Demi wait, we need to talk about therapy."

"Not right now Mary I need to finish this song." Demi sighed.

"Demi you said later and it's later. We need to talk now." I said sternly. 

"Mary for once in your life, accept the answer no." Demi started walking away.

"So we're just going ignore your drug addiction?" I yelled. I could feel myself starting to get worked up. 

Demi turned around and looked like a kid who was caught stealing ice cream in the middle of the night.

"What are you talking about?"

"I found the pocket mirror Demi."

Demi gulped and laughed.

"That's not even mine that's a friends."

"Demi your initials are on it." 

She stayed quiet.

"Demi you need help." 

"Help? I'm fine, you're overreacting, what is this about? Me not saying I love you? I love you Mary." She said emotionless.

"Overreacting? You're doing coke and who else knows what while living in a house with our 8 year old son." I said making it sound as if it were totally obvious her. 

"I'm fine, Max can't get to it, and I'm not even acting different, I'm here being a mom to him so what's the problem?" Demi scoffed.

"The problem is that Max is curious and might find it one day. Not just Max, but I'm here and I   wan't you attentive not out here acting out of it and aggressively acting out."

"Whatever, just give me the pocket mirror and I'll give it to someone else so it's not in the house." Demi said motioning her hand for me to hand it over.

"I threw it out. It's gone."

"ARE YOU FUCKING KID OF ME? YOU THREW IT OUT? IT'S MINE WHAT'S WRONG WITH YOU JESUS FUCKING CHRIST MARY." Demi started yelling at me. She was turning red and acting super aggressive. 

"It's gone, you know how lucky you are? I'm a cop I can get fired for keeping this in my house and you can get arrested." I was too irritated to be angry. 

"What are you gonna do tell on me?" Demi was screaming to where the vein on her neck that comes out when she sings was popping out.

"Demi lower your tone, Max is asleep, and if I have to for you to stop then maybe I will." I said with no emotion.  

"Wow Mary. You know what I'll make it easy for you today, I'll leave, Max won't hear me yell and I    restrain from putting my hands on you." she says clenching her fists into balls so tight I thought she'd bleed. 

The soft side of me reached out to her to keep her from bleeding but as I tried to embrace her she pushed me off. 

"You're a psycho Mary. Fuck off." 

My jaw clenched. Did she actually put her hands on me again?

Before I could react she was gone. 

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