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I sit on the couch in my living room. Its the same as every night, my popcorn popping, insideous 2 on the tv. I love the peace that comes with living by myself. I hear the microwave beep, so I pause the movie and walk into the kitchen, humming.

"Weird," I think as I see my popcorn is still popping. "Thought I heard it beep"

I stand at the counter waiting for the popcorn to be done, when it beeps again.

"Finally!" I say. I take it out of the microwave and open it. I pour the popcorn into a bowl and walk back to my couch. I play the movie, bowl in my hand.

I mindlessly eat my popcorn and watch the movie for twenty minutes when something seems to be wrong. You know how you can see some things out of the corner of your eye? Well I thought I saw a black shadow in a disfigured shape of a man. I turn my head, but there was nothing there. I continue what I was doing, but another thing is off.

IInstead of popcorn, there are worms in my bowl. I scream, and throw the bowl across the room. I don't know how they got there and I don't care why, I just hope I didn't eat any. Seconds later the phone rings.

"Hello?" I say into the phone.

"Watch out!" A creepy psychotic voice says.

"What do you mean? Who is this?"

"Watch out!!" This time in a higher pitch voice.

"Watch out for what?" I ask frantically.

This time instead of a voice on the other side, I hear a very high pitch wail. The line goes dead. I figure this was just a prank call from some bored teenagers.

I decide to go to bed, it is almost midnight. I change into pajama pants and one of my ex boyfriends t shirts. I love big clothes.

I hear a knock at the door right as I got comfortable in my bed. I sigh and get up to go downstairs. The knocking gets louder and louder, making chaos at this late hour in the night.

"I'm coming!" I shout hoping they will quiet down, but they do the opposite. "Jesus Christ." I say, and the knocking stops all at once when I sat those 2 words. I open the door. There is no one standing on my porch. I look down and see my doormat has been replaced by the words "Watch out!" written in blood. I turn pale, scared as to why and how this is here. I turn around to go back inside, but my door is slammed in my face. Two bloody handprints slowly apear on the door. I let out a shriek. Blood nevet scared me much, but these handprints are out of the ordinary. I gather courage and try to open my door but find it locked.

I face my lawn, thinking how to get back in, I know the back door is locked also and I have no key. I am surprised when I hear someone in the distance let out a long, pain filled wail. I cover my ears, as it is still loud even though it's in the distance. When the wail is done, my front door opens by itself.

"Wierd night." I say as I let my self into my house.


This is my first fanfic and I hope you guys like it if I have any readers yet! It is a Harry Styles fanfic, with horror and romance. If you guys like this chapter please vote, comment, do whatever and I'll do the same for you!!

Her are some important definitions for the story:

Banshee: noun/ a female spirit whose wailing or apperence warns people when someone is in danger or will die.

Demon: noun/an evil spirit or devil, especially one thought to possess a person or act as a tormentor in hell.

Hauntee: noun/ person who is being haunted or possessed by a spiritual entitiy

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