Chapter 6

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Katarina's POV:

I storm into my house. I don't like what Harry has done to me. He made me a terrible person, a monster even. That man did not deserve to die, he was innocent for all I know.

"He wasn't innocent." Harry says.

"Why are you in my house again, and how do you know what I was thinking?"

"Because we are attatched so I feel what you feel and I

know what you're thinking."

"I hate you." I snarl.

"That will change over time." He grins. I roll my eyes. I really do hate him.

"So why wasn't the man innocent. I deserve to know since you made me kill him." I spit.

"He was a priest, destined to kill us all. By us all I mean the supernatural from from Hell. Including you." He says, and I think. My dad is also a preist.

"I'm not from Hell." I almost laugh. He really is talking nonsense.

"I'll let you think that for the sake of your own well-being. We have another kill to attend today. But I don't think we'll be needing Jess for this one"

"If you want someone dead go do it yourself, asswhole."

"You will regret saying that," Harry says before vanishing.

Good, he's gone.

I go upstairs to my room and read my favorite book, The

Hunger Games.

Harry's POV:

That bitch never should have disrespected me. I'm going to get her where it hurts. I'm going to hurt someone she loves. I will make her pay.

Katarina's POV:

I read for about twenty minutes before he comes back.

"I have a surprise for you outside." He snarls. I hate surprises. He leads me outside to my car.

"You took my car somewhere, without asking me for permission?" I am steaming mad.

"I don't need your permission for anything." I don't feel like arguing back. "Open your trunk." He has a sarcastic smile, I don't know if I want to open it.

"You open it." I say.

"You don't tell me what to do!" Black eyes, he actually hurts my ears from yelling so loud. "Open it, now. Or I'll hurt you."

"Shut up will you, the neighbor's can hear!" I yell, equally as loud.

I open the trunk, and what I see scares me more than anything Harry has done or said to me since I met him.

My father is lying in the back of my car with a whole in his heart. I let out a scream and begin to cry.

"What the fuck did you do? Now I hate you even more!" I push Harry on his shoulders, but he barely budges.


"How am I supposed to relax? You killed my father!"

"He's not dead."

"There's a whole in his heart!" I throw my hands in the air.

"I only put him in a temporary coma. To get him out of it, you have to do something for me." An evil grin spreads across his face.

I could have never expected what he told me, not in a million years.


So, yeah. I didn't feel like writing.

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Rosalynn xx

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