Chapter 3

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I got home and peeled out of my dress, into pajamas, and laid down in my bed with my makeup still on and my laptop.

"What the heck has been happening lately?" I think while opening the intetnet. I searched 'loud wailing' and clicked on the first link.

It was a site that had to do with the evil. The page was titled "Loud Wailing from Banshees." I began reading. It pretty much said banshees are females that wail very loudly when someone is in danger or will die. At the party, there was a wail and the girl I was dancing with disappeared with blood left in her spot. I don't usually believe in this stuff, so I kept reading. It said demons and banshees work together sometimes. The banshee will wail to distract people while the demon kills. "Hmm.." I said biting my lip. The boy who gave me shots said the girl had it coming for her...

I don't know if what I'm thinking is true but I hope it's not, because that means I would have talked to a...

No, this stuff doesn't exist, it isnt possible. I decided to look up 'can demons look like humans.' I clicked on the first link. This page told me demons can choose to be seen in the form of a human or a shadow shaped like a human. There was a picture, so I clicked it. It was a picture of the same shadow I thought I saw a couple weels ago. "Can it be?" I thought, "No it can't."

I shut my laptop, I was beginning to scare myself with this demon/banshee crap. I turned my light off and went into my bed, but right before I closed my eyes, I saw the same shadow again, standing in my doorway.

I didn't dare open my eyes.


Morning came and I suprisingly slept well, despite the shadow before me. I went downstairs to the kitchen to make coffee. I could live on coffee I swear.

My phone rings. "Who calls this eary in the morning?" I say answering the phone. "Hello."

"Hey Katarina I just wanted to check up on you." I'd know that voice anywhere. Brian. My ex boyfriend.

"I don't need you to protect me amymore, Brian. We broke up three months ago."

"I know, I wouldn't usually bother you... but I had a weird dream last night. About you." He stutters a lot.

"If this is your way of trying to get me back, it isn't going to work. You cheated on me, so we're never getting back together." It is hard for me to say these words, I miss him so much but I can't let him know that.

"No. I know that. This dream wasn't a good dream. It was a... it was a- a nightmear. About you. There was a man, about our age, and he was telling me this. He said 'you better tell your little girl Katarina to watch herself. She better watch out.'"

"Do you know this man?" I ask.

"No I never seen him before. But theres one more thing. I woke up because I was so scared for you, and when I woke, there was a loud scream- no a wail." He sounds just as scared as I feel.

"Okay. Well thank you Brian. I'll try to stay safe." I sigh.

"Good. And one more thing. I still love you Katarina."

"I know Brian. I have to go." I hang up.

I try to keep the tears in, but they come anyway. I cry because I'm scared of the recent events that have been happening, and I cry because I still love Brian, but I cant tell him because he hurt me emotionaly.

"I would never hurt you like that," a wisper fills the room, an unknown voice.

I cry because I don't know what the heck is going on.


I really enjoy writing this book, and I want others to enjoy it too!! Tell me what you think and please vote if you like it!! Thanks :)

Nina Dobrev is Katarina

Zayn Malik is Brian

This chapter is dedicated to lilcutie46 because she left a very nice comment on one of my chapters ;)

Rosalynn xx

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