Chapter 5

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~Last chapter~

"Okay... so can I help you with something?" I have no idea what I may be getting myself into.

"Yes you can." He says with a sly grin. "My Dearg-Due."


I have no idea what that means, I don't even know if I should ask.

"Um, okay, I guess?"

"Even if it wasn't okay with you, you would still do what I say. So, our first stop is 3 Lakeview Dr." He throws me my car keys, I don't know how he got them.

"First stop?" I ask

"Yes. Our first kill. So lets go." He disapears, I'm left standing here.

"Are you coming or not?" He comes back into sight.

"Uh. No."

"Yes you are, don't disobay me. You do what I say."

"Who the hell do you think you are? You can't just waltz into my life and decide you control me!" I somehow find the courage to say this.

"That's it." He picks me up, and hits me on my head. I pass out and the next thing I know, we are in my car. Me in the drivers seat and him in the passangers seat.

"How did we get here?" I ask.

"No questions. Drive." He points me in the direction, and I step on the gas.

"So what did you say I was? A dearg what?" I really want to know what I am getting into.

"I said no questions, but I guess I will answer this one. You are a Dearg-Due. That is a girl that seduces men, and then drains their blood from them. Sort of like a vampire. And you are going to help me kill some people that don't deserve to live. But first we need to pick someone else up." The word seduce makes me blush.

"Who?" I ask.

"Her name is Jess. She also will be helping us, I've been working with her for a while."

"Is she like me?"

"You'll see. Turn left and pull into that driveway." Harry gets out of the car and knocks on the door. A beautiful girl steps out of the house. That must be Jess. He grabs her and gives her a long kiss on the lips. I roll my eyes, and honk the horn. Harry turns around with his eyes completely black. This guy really scares me.

They get into the car, Jess in the backseat.

"So now where?" I ask.

"I already told you the adress. Stop being so stupid." Harry says, earning a laugh from Jess. "Drive."

I set my GPS for 3 Lakeview Dr. We got there within ten minutes.

"So here's how this is going to work." Harry speaks up. "Jess will go knock on the door and pretend to be lost, asking for instructions. She knows the drill from there. Katarina, I will give you your que, and you will go up there and do whatever feels right. I may or may not have to interfere, I'll know if I have to. Okay Jess, you can go now."

Jess' POV

I follow Harry's instructions exactly, not wanting to mess up. He doesn't know but he scares me so I have to do everything he says. I knock on the door, and an attractive man answers, cross around his neck. He looks like a priest. I really hate doing this, seeing innocent people die because Harry wants them to. I tell him I am visiting my sister and have no idea where to go. I give him an adress that I saw on the way here. He begins to tell me instructions, when it starts. The gurgling in my stomach, up to my throat. I feel it in my mouth, ready to escape. I open my lips, and let out the wail. The man looks terrified.

"Get out of here! I know you're a banshee!" He says. I feel so bad.

I walk back to the car, and I see Harry pointing Katarina towards the house. The man closes the door.

Katarina's POV

I hear a wail, a banshee wail. I relize it is coming from Jess. She walks back to the car, and Harry tells me its my turn now.

I walk up to the house not knowing what the heck to do. When I'm in the middle of the lawn, something comes over me. Every thing turns blood red, like I'm looking through 3D movie glasses. I hear people talking in my head, telling me to go, go for the kill and don't look back. I feel vicious, I don't know if I like it or not. A snarl escapes my mouth. I feel like an animal, and I am suddenly hungry. Not hungry for food but hungry for human blood. My head is telling me I need to drink. What has come over me? I think as I run up to the house. I kick the door in with one kick, where did this power come from?

"Where are you?" I snarl in between my teeth. "I can smell you!" I find the man sitting behind his coach, squeezing his cross and muttering something in a language I don't understand.

"Why hello there." I say flirtingly. "Wanna play?"

The man looks up, confused. "What are you doing here! Leave."

"Oh, but I just wanna have some fun." I wink. "Do you wana play with me?" I grap his collar, and stand him on his feet with one pull. I feel strong, like the hulk. I unbotton one of hus shirt buttons, and lick his neck slowly. I grab his crotch, and he hardens. "Oooo you like that?" I ask.

All of a sudeen a girl who looks to be about this man comes into the room.

"What is all this noise?" Her eyes widen as she sees me. "John, what the fuck is this? Who is this bitch?" Harry appears into the room out of nowhere. "Who the hell are-"

Before she can finish, Harry slices her throat. I see the blood, and it makes me thirstier.

"I'll let you two finish." He disapears as quick as he appeared.

I look back at the man, seeing he is crying.

"Aww, don't worry, you'll be with her soon." I tease. I begin licking his neck, and when I can't handle the thirst anymore, I bite into his warm neck, blood filling my mouth. I love every second of it. I go down to his arms, and make multiple bites. He is loosing a lot of blood, and turning pale. I drink until there is no more blood. He is bone dry, and dead. Good.

I look at the girl, I am not really thirsty anymore. I am the complete opposite. I am myself again. I break down and begin sobbing.

Jess' POV

"What is taking that bitch so long?" Harry rhetorically asks.

"I'll go check on her." I remember when I helped Harry with my first kill, it was terrible and it still is. He thinks I enjoy it, at least thats what I tell him. I step into the house and see Katarina squatting down next to the now dead man. She has her head in her hands, she is probably crying.

"Hey honey. Its okay, he had to die. That's what Harry says at least." If it makes you feel any better, he's in a better place with his girl." She looks up at me.

"You're a monster." She spits, and leaved the house.

"And so are you honey. We all are." I sigh


Please tell your friends about my book!!!! :) :*

Yay for multiple POV's!!!! Yay for longer chapter. Please vote and comment!! :)

Jess is Jessica Andreatta from 'Are You The One' season two. A pic>>>

Rosalynn xx

The Devil Within [Harry Styles]Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt