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For as long as I can remember I never could stop worrying about my friend Narancia.

Even when we were little kids it has always been this way

      We lived in the same neighborhood for our whole lives. However, we actually met through school. In grade school, he was a part of a group that would steal and often bullied other kids. He and his friends were always getting into trouble but still acted as if they hadn't a care in the world. It saddened me that Narancia would waste his potential on things like that. I knew he was different. I knew he was way better than that.

        Narancia was never really the best at math and the teachers began to worry about him. They tried their best to teach him but he seemed resilient. Since I was one of the top students in the class they asked me if I could tutor him considering the teachers admired my work ethic. They offered extra credit which was nice but I was already willing to help. I was supposed to tutor Narancia every Friday after school but there were a lot of days he just wouldn't show up to school completely. They allowed us to use the classroom so it felt kinda weird that we were alone. He would often stare out the window and sometimes it felt like I was the only one there. As time went on we became good friends and he eventually looked forward to our tutoring sessions. It started to become this way once I've shown him a different side of me. I had many friends and was pretty popular I suppose, but our friendship was different. He became my best friend. We would walk home together sometimes if he wasn't with his friends or with some guy he calls "Bro".

      One day specifically Narancia didn't come to school. But this time it was different. I had a bad feeling in my stomach. Maybe something was wrong... I thought to myself, "Why do I care about him so much, he's probably just with his little crew of thieves." I was sure that there was nothing to worry about. I found out eventually that I should have stuck with my gut feeling...

Later on, that day when I was walking home from school I witnessed something that would change my life forever.

(How you get your stand abilities and have an encounter with Polpo's stand.)

         I was taking a shortcut home and went through the back alleyways. I heard a loud scream coming from the direction I was headed. Of course, my horrible curiosity got the best of me. There was a man who looked like he was fighting someone or running away, but nobody was actually there. I thought he may have gone mad. He was bleeding out a lot and I hate to say it but I really considered the fact I might witness someone die in front of me. The man warned me to run away or else I would meet the same fate as him. I tried to get away but I heard a loud voice say, "You have witnessed his test so therefore you shall die!" I had no idea where it was coming from but I did my best to vigorously ran away. I almost made it back into public view but I suddenly became completely paralyzed. I fell on the cold, hard concrete and there was only a small patch of flowers that prevented my teeth from falling out. The shadows were too dark for anyone to see me. It felt as if someone shot some sort of arrow that dug its way deep into my side. The pain was sharper than any knife and I surely felt like I was going to die. 

       Luckily for me, two police officers were doing their nightly rounds and spotted me bleeding in that alleyway. I never knew what happened to that man I saw there but when I looked back he was gone. I'm just glad that it seems like he came out alive. I was apparently unconscious so they took me to the police station which was nearby since it would take a while to get to the "nearest hospital" in this part of town. I became conscious again while arriving at the station. It looks like they patched me up. They said they would later take me to the hospital to examine my wounds further. When I was waiting for them I noticed someone was on the opposite side of me. It was a boy I think... I have many problems with my eyes that make it hard to see without any glasses or contacts. I was born with two eye diseases called microphthalmia and coloboma that make my life very difficult. There really is no cure, at least there isn't one that I know of so I have to deal with it forevermore. 

     I was trying to get my vision to focus and that's when I realized this boy seemed awfully familiar. There was a scent of oranges floating through the air. How funny that I would find comfort in a situation like this. I... I think I know him... I wonder if I've seen him anywhere. He had blonde hair but it seemed like it wasn't his natural color. His eyes were deep purple and so mesmerizing I just couldn't look away. We made eye contact and it was as if I was remembering a past life. "I do know him!", I thought hopefully. Everything seemed to flood back. "H-his name is Nara-", I said aloud while he was being pulled away to be interrogated. His eyes, his beautiful eyes still followed me as he left the room.

   His name is Narancia Ghirga...~

*✿❀𝕠𝕣𝕒𝕟𝕘𝕖 𝕓𝕠𝕪❀✿* ℕ𝕒𝕣𝕒𝕟𝕔𝕚𝕒 𝔾𝕙𝕚𝕣𝕘𝕒 𝕩 ℝ𝕖𝕒𝕕𝕖𝕣Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora