My Step-Mother

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There's not much to say about my Step-Mother, however like all people she has good qualities and some that are bad. She and my Dad have been together for about 14 years, I actually remember the first night I met her. I don't remember exactly what she looked like but I remember she had shoulder-length blond hair, and I remember she gave me a plastic zip-lock bag full of mini chocolate bars. I think I ate the whole bag in one night, but that's kinda expected of a little kid. From that day on she was the person I clung to because she was nice and she stopped them from picking on me and she saved me from my Dad trying to brush my hair because let me tell you that man does not know how to brush hair he was absolutely horrible at it! His brushing my hair still haunts me to this day, it became apparent that I preferred her over my dad, probably because I lived with my Sister and Mom so being around another woman felt more comfortable than being around a strange man.

I mean no offense to my Dad but he has quite the gruff outer shell, and as I've been living with him I've found out that he isn't that scary he just looks that way. He doesn't always try to be mean, he just has a bad sense of humor. My Step-Mother tends to take things personally when the joke is on her, she blows up, but when it's someone else she'd tell them to get a thicker skin. I mostly try not to humor my Dad's dumb jokes no matter who they're about, I don't find it funny purposely aggravating people for your own amusement. I suppose I should be glad I don't have my Dad's sense of humor because I think people would hate me if I said every snarky thing that came to mind. This is kind of sad in a way because every time I don't laugh at my Dad's dumb jokes or snide comments or even my Step-Mother's jokes and comments they tell me I don't have a sense of humor, well they might be right in all honesty. I'm really not one to joke about much I was a strangely serious child, I knew what jokes were inappropriate before I knew why they were inappropriate. I also had very bad social skills with children my own age and still do in some ways, I've always acted and got along better with adults or actual children. Which is probably how I ended up becoming the stereotypical 'mom friend' I'm always prepared with gum, hair ties, bandaids, pads, tampons, and pretty much anything else, you name it I'll probably have it.

Well, I think I'm getting off-topic again, but then I always do. I almost feel like I ramble more than I write but then again, I do. My Step-Mother and I generally get along with some exceptions which is understandable because she is not used to females or even likes females. She has a son, just a son, and I think she liked me more as a kid because I was more like a doll. She did my hair, and my nails, and took me shopping, and it was nice but we never really had a parental role in my life growing up she was always more of an adult bestie. A fun fact is that she is also diabetic, but she actually makes an effort to take care of herself and stay healthy and active. Well, I don't know what else to say about her, she is probably one of the more positive people in my life, I mean she helped me through my sudden move in with them and dealt with my mom's crazy rambling for days after I moved in. Call after call, she would listen to my mom saying horrible stuff about me then after it ended I'd tell her what was truth and lie between what she says. Despite not always getting along because we're two women in the same house, she has been amazingly supportive the whole time. With school, and my relationship, and just me getting my legs as an adult. I am incredibly thankful for her.

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⏰ Last updated: May 15, 2021 ⏰

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