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I always thought that being a writer, you just need a precise amount of vocabulary. So when I was about to pick a course for college, I straight up chose a Bachelor's degree in English just because I always get an A+ in my essay writings. Four years later, I stepped out of college with a Latin Honor but never finished a book. Then a year later, I moved to another city in New York to work at a publishing office and took the position as a Publicist. Until three years have passed, my position remained the same. I was always listed in the possible promotee but I never get the position because I know—at the back of my mind, the reason why I never get promoted was because I lack something. I've wanted to change my position for so long—maybe ever since I even started  because my position was never my forte, I didn't feel passionate about it. They've put me in a position where I have to be an extrovert, which growing up, was never the type of person that I am. And for years, I thought that resigning was the best option for me, since I'm sure that I'll never get promoted anyway.

But I never did that because I always felt like I have no choice. If I wanted to have a different position—a better one, I need to write something good. And sometimes, it would make me doubt my choices in life—that maybe I wasn't even meant to be a writer at all.

Standing up from the couch, I threw the book that I was reading down on the table and took my empty cup of coffee as I walk to the kitchen to wash the cup. I grab the fridge handle and pulled it close to my chest to scan for something—anything that I could munch on. When I couldn't find anything, I close the fridge then went to the pantry cabinet, which to my surprise, is empty as well. I walked back to the door of my fridge as my eyes immediately scan the lengthwise list of things that I need to buy. I have completely forgot that I need to do my grocery. I took the paper and placed it on the table then went to my room to change my clothes so I can start my errands.

I slipped on a pale blue skinny jeans—folding the ends about two times, then wore my striped sweater and making sure that I also bring my pastel pink coat with me since its freezing outside. I got out of my room and went to the living room, bringing my purse with me as I tie the lace of my black chucks. When I was ready to go, I took my keys and bade my goodbye to my friend, my Labrador dog named Chase.

What I love about New York is that everything is just around the corner. The grocery store is only a few blocks from my apartment but I still chose to bring my car since I'll probably buy too much stuff for me to carry the whole time. After a few rounds of finding a spot to park in, I finally saw a grey Toyota Camry leaving and when everything was set, I turn the ignition off and went out of the car.

The moment I walked out of my car, I was immediately welcomed by the winter air, making me feel like my nose was suddenly turning into a deep shade of red. I hugged my coat tighter as I walk my way to the entrance.

Doing the grocery shopping is probably my favorite thing to do. It made me feel independent, especially when I do it by myself. It seemed unusual since I have always been an independent person ever since I was young, but I never really feel like it—until I do the grocery shopping. I took out the crumpled list inside my purse then I start putting a small check next to the things that I already got.

Whenever I would do my grocery, I always make sure that I have everything in order and sorted out. The first aisle I go to is the cleaning products and I always make sure to grab three baskets with me to categorize everything. I put the first basket under my cart for the cleaning products so it won't go around together with the food products since they're mostly chemicals. The upper part of my cart is divided into two categories, the wet and dry ones. After taking all the wet products that I need, I went to the aisle which is where the dried products are and when it was time for me to go to the cereals section, I noticed that there was no one in there so I went straight ahead.

I tried to look for Lucky Charms and Reese's Puffs. At first, I was feeling lucky when Reese's Puff was located under the shelf but when I got to Lucky Charms, I felt a slight turn in my stomach as I scan through the shelf and saw the bright red box sitting on the very top of the shelf. I sighed in disbelief, why do they have to use the very top part? who can even reach that high? I was on my tiptoes as I tried to get the cereal box with just the tip of my fingers touching the cardboard. I hold onto the rails of my cart as a lever to pull myself up but it was no use.

So much for being a short person.

When I was about to give up, I heard someone lightly coughing next to me. I looked to my side and saw a guy—who's like double my height— standing next to me, both hands in each pocket of his black coat.

"Do you need help?" He asked, his accent was quite thick, matching his husky voice. He obviously didn't sound like he was born from here.

"Y-yeah—I think so." I stammered, taken aback. He smiled at me, showing his dimple in his right cheek. He grabbed the cereal box with ease, he didn't even have to tiptoe. He took the box with such little effort then put it on the cart. To my surprise, he put the box on the dried section of my basket division.

"Thank you." I stated politely.

"No worries. I saw you struggling to get it so I couldn't help but offer a hand." He said. I was standing next to him, to this stranger who made me feel something perplexing. He was intimidating in some sort of way, but the way he spoke to me made him sound welcoming. It was a little hard to understand. I tried to act more casual as I gave him a small nod, biting my lower lip habitually.

"Well, I better get going. Thank you again." I said, smiling at him. He gave me a nod as I slowly turn my back to him. I pushed my cart and looked at him one last time but he was already walking away. When I reached the end of the aisle—where I'm completely out of sight, I let out a sigh.

I'm not gonna lie, he's attractive. He had this brunette hair that's pushed back but at the same time, it was a little ruffled. He wasn't scrawny but he wasn't a very muscular guy either. He was tall, really tall compare to most guys that I have known. I couldn't quite determine his eye color because of the lighting in the area but I could tell that it was a really light color. Given the fact that he was attractive, I find him intimidating to my liking. It must be because of his atmosphere, his aura. He was wearing nothing but black clothes and black shoes.

I brush the thought of the stranger in my mind as I took my list one last time and check if I miss anything. When I was finally done, I went to the counter to pay for my stuff and went out of the store and into my car, going back home.

Then the thought of the guy never crept back in.


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