chapter six

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Luke opened the door to the cafe, letting me in first before he could close the door behind me. The room suddenly filled our nostrils with the scent of freshly brewed coffee even though it's going to be their closing time in a few moments. There were two or three people in the room and when we got inside, I thought of making my way to my usual spot whenever I would go here with Charlotte but it was occupied at that time.  So, we decided to take the table that was infront of the entrance door instead.

We sat down in silence for a while, I was staring at the warm coffee in front of me while Luke's eyes wandered around, familiarizing the area. His eyes would wander back and forth to his cup, or mine. And when he met my gaze, he sat up straight then smiled at me.

"So what's the idea for?" I knew that he was going to me ask me about it and for a while, I was debating whether I should tell him what it was for or I shouldn't. But there was something about him that kept on making me answer whatever questions that he would ask me. And everytime I'd give him an answer, there was always something next to talk about. 

"I'm trying to write a novel." I said, "Well, finish one."

"Well, you do look like a writer." He said while his index finger traced the tip of the cup. "What's that supposed to mean?" I asked, furrowing my eyebrows.

"Writers are often good when it comes to organizing things because they write their whole routine and stuff. And you, you look like the type of person to write down your whole agenda." but he's wrong with that, I don't even have a list to write down my agendas and stuff.

 Well, physically.

"That doesn't sound like a bad thing." I said. His index finger circled around the tip of his cup.

"I never said it was, but I think it kind of makes you limited." As much as I hate to admit it,I think he was right. I have been living my systematic life that I've established and grown accustomed to for so long already and sometimes it may sound like it's a wrong way to live life, but its one of the reasons why I have what what I have now. I may have not reached my primary goals in life—yet, but even if I'll never will, I'm still gonna be successful, I have been for a while. I've finished school on time, I have my own place, a car, I have a work that pays me well enough to buy the things I need and want.  All that stuff, because I never  wandered around, trying to seek for a change.

So who am I to complain when this is the life that I wanted and worked hard for. This is the change.

I didn't realize that I've sat in silence for a while until Luke shifted on his chair, he looked uncomfortable because I've been quiet for a long time. I was not offended with what he said but I just didn't know what I wanted to say either. Like he said, I have an agenda and right now, I'm not even supposed to be here. This isn't how I planned my evening to go.

"If it makes you comfortable, my job is related to art too." He said, my eyes met his gaze, signaling him to go on.

"I like to paint and sometimes take pictures too." He added. "Is that what you do for a living?" I asked.

"Not necessarily. I just got a job in an art museum." He paused for a while as he seemed to take caution with his words. "It's the reason why I moved here. Kind of feels like it would be better to live somewhere and not be jobless." He chuckled, trying to lighten up the mood.

"Why did you leave?" I asked.

"I've never been by myself almost all my life and somehow, it feels like it hindered me to discover more of who I really am and so I thought, moving away seems like a good way to start a new chapter." He paused once more, shifting in his chair but this time, he was trying to find a comfortable spot. The chair doesn't seem like a good fit for a tall guy like him.

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