chapter seven

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After hitting the snooze button for like a hundredth time, I decided to get up for work. Today's going to be a little different because I won't be going to my actual workplace. I was one of the people that was assigned to visit the convention for the book fair that we're part of. We do this every year but this year became a little different because it's also going to be a fund raising event.

Rising up from my chair at the dining table, I took my empty bowl of cereals down on the sink, rinsing it then walking back to my bathroom to brush my teeth. When I was ready to go, I took my beige coat with me then put my ankle boots on. When I was about to leave, I made sure that Chase has everything he needs for the day. I tried to walk as quietly as possible since he was still sleeping on his bed in the living room. I closed the door without letting it make the creaking sound then locked it. Turning away from the door, Nelly closed the door of her apartment as well, hugging her coat tighter to her chest.

"Good morning, Nelly." I greeted . She gave me a crooked smile then greeted back. She walked her way to the elavator which immediately opened when she pressed the down button. She waited for me to get inside before pressing the 'G' button.

"Did you had fun at the party last night?" She asked me. I turned my head to her then nodded, smiling. "I'm sorry if I was late."

"It's alright, you look really busy these past couple of days."

"Not as busy as you, Nelly." I joked.

But it was true.

Nelly has always been one of the most hardworking person that I know but that's mainly because she loves what she's doing. She loves to help other people, especially kids. She would sometimes tell me what its like to work as a doctor. It was never an easy job—and sometimes you can't just be physically prepared but you also have to be mentally prepared as well. She told me how good it feels to be able to help someone, to save someone's life—especially a child's life. But there's always going to be a downfall. When a child isn't able to survive, sometimes you can't help but blame yourself that maybe you didn't try hard enough. That's the hardest part of being a doctor, when you think you've done all you can but in the end, it still didn't work out. And when she told me that, I knew she'll never get used to the stuff that she's doing and it will always be part of her.

Nelly and I part ways when we arrived at the parking lot. I searched for the location of the convention before driving off. It wasn't that far but on the way there, all I could think of was something to write about, that's why it felt like I've been driving for an hour and a half. I took one last turn before reaching to my destination. When I found a place to park in, I got out and the snow started sticking down on the ground, making me shiver a bit. I hugged my coat tighter to my chest to supress the cold then walked inside the convention. The room number was given to me since yesterday and the meeting will start in a few moments from now so I made my way there. When I got in, everyone's eyes were on me, making my cheeks heat up. I was starting to think that I'm the only person that they were waiting. I took the remaining empty seat next to Damien and I turned to look at him but  he was already smiling at me.

"Traffic?" Damien asked. "Yeah" I said while letting out a small laugh. I took my laptop out then turned it on. Once it was on, I opened the presentation that was given to us yesterday then soon, the meeting began.

Our boss explained a few things that was on the powerpoint presentation. They gave out the blueprint of the convention, programs, schedule, and employees and their positions. I took down a few notes on my laptop, turning my gaze once in a while to the presentation infront of me.

"Hey Gwen, I was wondering, do you have any plans on New Year's Eve?" Damien whispered. I was typing what the coordinator was trying to explain so I answered him without looking at him because I was busy.

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