chapter one

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The hardest thing about starting my day off is the 'getting up from the bed' part. I can never sleep early and then wake up early without feeling like it's the worst thing ever. I can never remember a time where I was able to sleep before 10PM.

Groaning one last time, I sat from my bed side to stretch both of my arms then I start off by fixing my bed. My day can't really start unless I get my bed fixed. When I was done, I walk infront of my window, looking at the busy streets of New York. It must have snowed heavily last night because everything looks like it was covered in cotton. It was pleasant in my sight, peaceful. I could stand there and watch by my window all day. But unfortunately, I have a work to do.

I went to my bathroom to start cleaning myself up. When I was done, I wrapped my robe around my body then went to the kitchen to turn on my coffee machine. I went to the living room where Chase was sleeping peacefully in his bed but when he heard my footsteps, he stretched his arms then perked up.

"Chasey." i cooed, scratching the top of his head. His tail wiggled in excitement as I took his toy then threw it around the room.

I walk my way to the stereo next to my bookshelf to play one of my morning playlist. I set the playlist on shuffle and the first thing that came was Pumpin Blood by NONONO.

I went back to my room to dress up for work and I opened my drawer, taking out the thickest black stockings that I have then sliding it onto my legs. I walk my way to the cabinet as I started to scan for a top to wear. I took out my white knitted sweater then my beige pencil skirt that's above the knee. I tuck the front part of the sweater inside the skirt then grabbed the black coat that was hanging on one of the door handles of my cabinet. After I had my breakfast while checking a few emails, I finally went out of my house before making sure that Chase got all he needs throughout the day while I'm gone. This all became my routine for who knows how long and I've actually grown accustomed to it.

Fumbling the keys to my car, I turned the ignition on and made sure that I got the heater on as well. The drive was somewhat peaceful, the snow made everything seemed peaceful. I took one last turn before finding a place to park and finally stopping. When I got out of the car, snow started falling out from the sky once again, snowflakes sticking around my face and hair. I smiled in awe before walking my way to the building.

My work was just as systematic as my routine.  Typing, coffee, taking calls, and vice versa. That's how everything works, atleast for me. But to my belief, I find this better compare to being bombarded by an awful boss all day. I think that would be more stressful and tiring. I have been doing this routine for years that it feels like it's impossible for me to mess things up.

I was writing an email for one of the book signings that I was incharge to set up when somebody knocked on the plastic divider that's separating me from the rest of the employees around the area.

"Hey Gwen, how was your weekend?" Damien, one of the company's Marketer asked.

"It was great." I answered, smiling at him. Damien's a really talkative person but he wasn't garrulous. He would always ask me how my day was and I would answer him the same thing, everyday. He would always try to make a conversation with me and even if I never intended it to happen, I would always be the one to give an answer that would immediately just end a conversation. Sometimes I feel bad about it because he just probably want to get to know me since we've been working together for years but I couldn't help it, I'm the most boring person to ever exist.

"Christmas is in a few weeks, do you have any plans for the holiday?" He asked again, grinning at me.

"I don't know. I guess I'll just go to my hometown." I stated. I clasp my hands together, resting my chin on top of it to make it look like I'm interested. But the conversation was soon cut off when a blonde girl popped out on the other side of the divider, scanning the area.

"Gwyneth, Mr. Bowe would like to see you." She ordered the moment her eyes saw mine. I gave her a smile then stood up.

"Well, I guess I better get going." I said to Damien. He sighed but gave me a smile.

I started to walk my way to my boss's office while straightening my skirt. I lightly knock on his door and he signaled me to come in and so I did.

"Ms. Aspen, I need you to call the book fair that we're supporting next week for further updates." He dictated, I mentally wrote down what he said as I gave him a nod.

"And also, I got a call from Pedant asking for you, do you know what this is about?" He asked while I tried my best not to scream. Pedant is one of the biggest Publishing company in New York. Heck, it was the biggest and most famous Publishing company in the country. When I was doing my resumé back then, Pedant Publishing was the first company that I chose to apply to so I gave them my first resumé. It was my company goal. And every once in a while, I would pass them my story ideas and would sometimes try to apply for open positions, hoping that somehow I could get in. Although, it made me feel a bit confused as to why they would contact me now because its been a year since I actually submitted any story ideas or job applications.

"I'm not so sure about it, Mr. Bowe. But I will go and check it out." I reassured. He gave me a small smile, signaling me that I can leave his room.

I went to my table as fast as I could but at the same time, trying not to be obvious. I sat down infront of my computer as I refresh my email. Bewildered, my eyes scan at the new email that arrived and carefully read the words that was written. I can feel my heart beating fast in excitement. I never thought that I could receive an email like this.  This has been my dream ever since I step foot in New York.

However as I finished reading the email, instead of feeling joyful and eccentric, I couldn't help but feel anxious.

Suddenly, the cause of my fast paced heartbeat wasn't about excitement anymore. It was all replaced by a feeling of disquietude.

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