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So, we hit 1K reads on the first story so I will release this a day early so... Welcome to the sequel of Chop Chop. I hope you're excited for this as much as I am. Now lezzgo!

[Mitch's PoV, review/re-cap]

Hello, I'm Mitch. My full name is Mitchell Donald Ralph Hughes Aceti. I know long name. I'll get to that in a second but I'm 22 years old and currently live in an apartment with my husband Jerome. Now you may be asking, husband? Well yes, I'm gay. That explains my last name in my name, Aceti. I did take his name and put it at the absolute end of my name. Jerome and I have been married for nearly two years now and he was to be starting work back up in the next two months since he's a teacher and we have decided to move out and buy an actual three bedroom house. We are able to pay for it because he makes good money from being a high school teacher and I make good money from Youtube and my 1.5 million subscribers.

Like I said, we are moving into a 3 bedroom house at the end of the month around our anniversary. When I said yes to it, Jerome seemed a bit skeptical about it but he agreed and we are in the middle of packing now. We were taking a break and watching some TV while sitting on the couch when Jerome brought something up.

"So Mitch, why do you want to move into a 3 bedroom house. I mean, one for us, one for recording but what about the third room? A storage place or something?" He asked.

"Well, not exactly. Jerome, what would you say about becoming a parent?" I asked. Jerome paused in his spot and I felt as though I said something wrong. "I mean, only if you want to. We don't have to if you don't want one."

He still didn't say anything so I got up, ran to our room and slammed the door shut, locking it behind me. I was expecting him to come to the door and start pounding on it, saying that he's sorry or something but no, he didn't come to the door until it was time to go to sleep. When he got into bed, he still didn't say anything and kept his back turned towards me. I knew I had messed up but didn't know how to fix it. I went to sleep, regretting ever saying anything.

The next morning, I woke up to the smell of bacon and eggs and got up to see Jerome cooking the two things in the kitchen.

"Hey." I said.

"Hey." He replied. I stared at him for a moment before going past him and pouring some coffee for myself. I turned on the news to get at least some noise that wasn't the sizzling of freshly cooked bacon. I kept peering in on him, seeing him concentrated and not even looking at me once. He came out with two plates of food and sat across from me like he always does. About halfway through the meal, I grew tired of this.

"So, that's it? That's all you're gonna do? You're just gonna give me the silent treatment for a thought to move forward?" I asked him. He perked up and got startled but then grew quiet again.

"Look Mitch, it's not that, I was taken a back and didn't know what to think. i needed a bit to process what you said and what I thought was right. To be honest, I can't believe I didn't see those obvious parallels of you wanting three bedrooms in the first place. I'm the one who's dumb and I think it would be nice to adopt a kid. One kid for now and maybe another to see how things go and if we would want another." He said. I smiled and got up, went around to his side of the table and hugged him.

"Thank you." I said. He held my arms and I couldn't see it but I knew he smiled. We were gonna start a family and I couldn't wait. The move went fairly well and we had everything unpacked within the first month and I waws back on my video grind. The problem now was that Jerome could interupt and one of my videos at any time he wanted to and not even know it. 

About a month after we moved, Jerome only had a few weeks before he had to go back to teaching at the school so we went to the adoption center and Jerome talked about some things of who we were looking for. 

"So Mitch. I need to ask you something. What age and gender are you looking for?" Jerome asked.

"Well, I would like someone who is a boy and already potty trained so maybe around 3 or 4 years old." I said. Jerome just nodded as we pulled into the parking lot and he parked the car. I grabbed his hand as we walked into the building where a nice person greeted us at the front door.

"Hello and welcome to Jersey Central Adoption and Day Care Center. How may I help you two fine gentlemen?" She asked.

"Well, we were hoping to adopt a kid knowing we can't have one ourselves and/or naturally." Jerome said, leaning on the desk.

"Oh. Ok then. Follow me and we'll show you the kids. First of all, what is the child you're looking for?" She asked.

"Well, we were hoping for one who is a boy and is already potty trained and around 3 or 4 years old." I said. She smiled and nodded as she lead us to a room that was made for kids. 

"Everyone, line up." She said. All the kids there lined up fairly nicely. "Now tell these nice men what your name is and what you like." 

The first one to step up was a girl and she started talking. "My name is Taylor and I like dolls and playing with my friends and soon family." She said. She seemed shy but it was cute. Everyone went and surprisingly it was only 8 kids. 5 boys, 3 girls. 

The last little boy stepped up. "My name is Steven and I like games, trucks, trains, and I am looking for a family who will love me a lot." He said. He was cute and had light brown hair like my hair and brown eyes the glistened like Jerome's. We finally had a final decision to make so we left to talk in private.

"So, the girls we have are Taylor, Raquel, and Victoria. The boys are Lucas, Eddie, Alex, Jordan or Steven. Who do you think?" Jerome asked.

"To be honest, I really like Steven. He seems like he'll fit in perfectly with us and kinda actually looks like he could be our son if we had one together. He says he like games, trucks and trains and I remember liking those things as a kid. I think he might be the one." I said.

"I was thinking the same thing biggums. You ready to go tell them?" He asked. I smiled and nodded. Jerome pecked my lips before we started walking back to sign the papers and officially get our child and name him the official Steven Aceti. 

"So, you guys decide on who or if you want someone?" The lady asked.

"Yes. We have decided to take Steven and adopt him." I said. 

"That's great. Fill out this short amount of paper work while I get him and you'll be ready to go." She said, handing Jerome some papers. He did some signing as well as me and we had finished just in time as Steven came out with a small backpack on his shoulders and a small suitcase fit for a 4 year old. He came rushing to us at a hyperspeed and jumped into my arms and hugged me. I picked him up and hugged him back. I'm officially a father now and the smile on my face can not be wiped off. I was too dang happy for it to disappear. 

Jerome got his stuff while I carried him into the car and put him in the carseat provided by Preston's parents of all people. They figured we would adopt sooner than Rob and Preston would and when we told them, they gave us a bunch of stuff to start off with that is already in his new room. He was super excited as well as Jerome and I. Looking at Jerome, he seemed pretty happy as well since his smile was just as big as mine but he didn't say anything. Once we got home, we showed him his bedroom and everything of the house except the basement which he'll be allowed into once we feel comfortable with him down there since there is some things down there we wouldn't want him to touch or else bad things could happen. All in all, it was pretty exciting to finally be starting a family and a new life with a fresh start.

And that's it. First chapter of the official sequel of this story! I hope you all enjoyed and please make sure to hit that like/vote button for the sequel and stuff and until next time, have a wonderful and safe day and I will see you all later! BYE!! :D

Fresh Start (Sequel to Chop Chop)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora