Good-Bye and Party

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[Jerome's PoV]

Today was my last day here. I was at the graduation ceremony since it's mandatory for all teachers to go.

"Lastly, before anything else happens, we would like to give something special to a very amazing teacher in our hearts who is finishing up his last year here and won't be with us anymore. Mr.Aceti, can you please come up here?" The valedictorian said. I got up from my area and went on stage next to him.

"I didn't expect to come up here but ok." I said. Some people laughed as some other kids came up on stage.

"You have a special place in all our hearts. You were brave with everything you've done and we couldn't thank you enough for how you have changed us so in return, the whole senior class got you this." He said and handed me a wrapped box. My eyes widened as I took it and started to rip off the wrapping paper to the box. I saw what was in there and my eyes widened and glistened.

"What is it?" He asked. I picked up one of the three things.

"First off, there is a new coffee mug that is Minecraft related since these kids know I love Minecraft and my coffee. Second, there is a little key-chain that says Merome5ever?" I asked.

"Merome is basically what a bunch of fans call you and Bajan together." One girl said. "It's starting to catch on and become a very popular things as well as Poofless which is Preston and Rob together."

I nodded and smiled as I got the last thing out which was a little stuffed Minecraft character that looked like it was mine and Mitch's skin combined into one that seemed like it would represent Steven. "A little, Merome Minecraft stuffed character. Is this supposed to be like Steven?" I asked.

"Yeah. We got everything mainly for you but also to represent everyone else of your family. Thank you for everything Mr.Aceti." One kid said.

"Thank you guys so much. This is amazing and I couldn't even think of any better way to go out and thank you." I said.

"Just keep doing what you're doing and keep making those hilarious videos at least I love and enjoy." He said. I hugged him as I got everything and headed out. Afterwards, I said my good-byes to everyone, took quite a few pictures with the staff, of all my presents, the students, and in general by the school and then left to my house to see Mitch and Steven.

Once I got home, I saw more than just Mitch and Steven. At the house there was my family, Rob, Preston, Mat, and another guy who I didn't know but looked to be with Mat. 

"Welcome home babe." Mitch said as he came up to me and hugged me tightly.

"Mitch, this is, just, wow. I can't believe this. You did this for me?" I asked.

"Yep, now, two questions. One, what's that in your hand and two, where's Betty?" He asked.

"Betty is in the car and this is some little things the graduates gave to me for my leaving/resignment." I said, showing him the box and what was in it.

"That's so cool and cute." He said.

"Yeah. So, I know everyone here but one person. Mat, who is that with you?" I asked.

"Oh, sorry for not introducing him but this is my boyfriend Vikk." He said. "I told Mitch at your wedding but I guess I never told you."

"That's fine then. Nice to meet you Vikk." I said, shaking his hand.

"You too, Jerome? Was it?" He asked. He had a more British accent when he spoke. 

"Yeah. That's me. Also known as HackSource or now JeromeASF on youtube." I replied.

"Really? That's you? That's so awesome. I used to and still watch your videos every single day. You're amazing and an inspiration to me and the reason why my ex-boyfriend and I started my own Youtube channel." He said.

"Your ex?" I asked.

"It's kinda a long story but the gist is that I used to date a guy named Lachlan who was terrible and would just rape me at times when I didn't want it and in all honesty, I didn't like it and when I told him, he beat me to a pulp and then left without another word." Vikk said.

"Lachlan? Could he possibly have blonde hair and blue eyes?" Mitch asked.

"Yeesss." Vikk said.

"Vikk, my dad, your ex, and someone else all worked together to break out of prison and kidnap, capture, and torture me for about 2 weeks. They raped me everyday and I hated it. It was actually about two and a half years ago." Mitch said. Vikk's eyes widened when hearing this.

"Are you serious?" Vikk asked. 

"No joke." I Mitch replied. Just then, the doorbell rang and Preston went to get it. We were waiting for about 5 minutes when we heard a scream that sounded like it was from Preston. Being who I am, I ran towards the front door to see a blonde guy holding Preston in a choke-hold. I ran up to them and kicked him right in the stomach and helped Preston. I told him to go back to Rob and tell everyone that I could handle this.

"What are you doing here? I thought you were in prison!" I yelled.

"It was only for two more years. I had a total of 5 and I had two years left. I spent the last 6 months tracking you a Mitchell down only to say that, well, I'm sorry, about what I did. I didn't want to but I was controlled by Raphel. I'm also sorry about what I did to that little guy but I'm sorry to ever hurt you or Mitch and I'm gonna be heading back to Australia in about a month but I don't know what I'll do from there since I'm sure my parents won't want me back." He said.

"Well, I accept your apology but I think you should really just talk to Mitch personally about this and tell him face to face yourself." I said, guiding him in. I walked into the living room with Lachlan right behind me and both Vikk's and Mitch's face grew instantly worried. Vikk hid behind Mat just in time so the guy wouldn't see him but Mitch just held Steven close and tightly fripped the sleeve of my arm.

"Hello Mitch, nice to see you again." He said.

"What do you want Lachlan. Last time you, my dad, and another guy by the name of Ty captured me and raped me, didn't feed me, and nearly killed me over around a 2 week period of time." Mitch said.

"I know, and I'm sorry for that. I was being guided by your dad and the last two years I spent my time looking back on that and I fell awful now so I can by to say that I'm sorry and I'm gonna be going back to my home place of Australia very soon so I may be seeing you and try looking up CraftBattleDuty sometime on Youtube." He said and smiled.

"Really? I thought you were gonna pull some kind of gun and try to capture me again." Mitch joked.

"Yeah. I just wish I could go back to the UK though to visit my now ex-boyfriend Vikk. I also realized that I treated Vikk so badly and just want to apologize to him and I do know that he'll never take me back but I believe I have another yar or two until Ty gets out so hopefully, we can start over a be together as well." Lachlan said, looking down.

"I accept your apology Lachlan." Vikk said from behind him. Lachlan turned around to be face to face with Vikk.

"Vikk? How? Why? What are you doing here? This is the last place I would expect to see you." Lachlan said.

"Well, I now date Mat who is this guy right here who used to date Mitch who is dating, I mean, married to Jerome and I'm here because Mat wanted to be here for the little quote, unquote, "retirement party" since Jerome left his job as a teacher to pursue Youtube." Vikk explained.

"Oh really? Well then. Nice to see you two again but I best be leaving. I have... other things to do." He said. It sounded suspicious but I ignored it for now.

"Alright then. I gues I may be seeing you around then." Mitch said as Lachlan left. Interesting guy I may say so myself. The party went on, I don't know what happened afterwards but I'm pretty sure I had a good time and Mitch and I both had drank a little bit too much since the next morning I awoke next to Mitch with nothing on and a throbbing headache. Steven was nicely put to bed though so at least that's good. Only uphill from now on.

And that's it for this chapter. I hope you all enjoyed this chapter and make sure to leave a like/comment as well as follow me if you're new and I'll talk to you all later! BYE!! :D

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