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[Mitch's PoV]

"Hey what's going on doods, it's Mitch or BajanCanadian here with a quick little update vlog to tell you guys why I haven't been posting recently and what's going on well, in general, I'm a father. Yes, Jerome and I have adopted a kid, a little boy who is very energetic but he's taking a nap right now while I'm doing this and Jerome is at work doing his real job as his father likes to call it but yeah, we adopted a son by the name of Steven so he's now Steven Aceti so there's that. I have been trying to get to know him more and find out what he likes and stuff and helping him with little games that are made for 4 year olds and it's been a lot of fun but hopefully sooner or later I can start regularly recording again and getting content up. Another thing is that, Jerome and I both will be going to Minecon so you'll be able to meet us there as well as Steven since we will be taking him as well. He will still only be three and we'll make sure to explain the situation ahead of time but if you do see us, please don't mob us or anything because we do not want Steven getting scared or anything so if that can be done I would really appreciate it. On that note, I'm gonna end the video there and I thank you all for understanding the situation of this whole thing. I'll talk to you doods later. Buh bye." I said and just as I was about to end the video, Steven walked into the room.

"Daddy, why are you talking to yourself?" He asked. I smiled and got him into my lap.

"I'm not. See that, that's a camera and I was talking to it plus a bunch of people in the world." I said. We sometimes let him come into the recording room except when one of us is recording which is almost always. He sat on my lap and stared at my computer screen for a little while. He went to grab the mouse and put his little hand on the keyboard but I took it away since I didn't want him breaking anything. 

"Hello! Where are my boys?" Jerome called. 

"Hey, dad's home. Let's go say hi." I said. I put him down and he ran out while I turned back to my computer, looked at the camera and said, "Kids. What a wonderful thing of nature. See you doods later."

I went downstairs to find Jerome hugging Steven and I stayed just out of point blank eye's view and watched them. At first, Jerome was a bit skeptical about adopting a child but I can tell Steven has grown on him. Who wouldn't love his little face with his adorable chubby cheeks? 

"Mitch? Are you home?" He asked. 

"I'm right here biggums." I said and came out of my hiding place. Jerome jumped slightly but then smiled and hugged me tightly. We were all one happy family where everything is alright, for now.

"When am I gonna meet grandma and grandpa and my aunts and my uncles and my cousins?" He asked one day.

"I don't know. I will have to talk to dad about it." I said as we continued playing. The doorbell rang and he screamed. He has always had that kind of sense for doing that and I don't know why but I don't judge him since he is only 3. I left him alone to answer the door and speak of the devil, it was Jerome's family.

"Hey mom, dad. What are you guys doing here?" I asked.

"Well, Jerome has been talking to us about your move and he gave us the adress and we figured we would stop on by for a little bit. Is Jerome here?" His mom and my mother-in-law asked.

"Not right now. He told me he had to stay late for a very important meeting that he couldn't miss so I don't when he'll be back. It always varies for when he'll be back but I would hope it would be soon." I said. They all came on in and took off their shoes and I ran to get Steven. I picked him up and held him close to me.

"Steven, your dad's family is here to say hello and look around the house." I said. His eyes widened and a small smile came onto his face. Jerome's family came into the room and saw me with Steven.

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