Fixed Back Up

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[Kevin's PoV]

I was rushing to the hospital as fast as I could without going over the speed limit. I got there in 15 minutes time and checked in. He was in room 213 and in the ICU. I was allowed in by lying and saying that I was his boyfriend. The doctors gave me weird looks but went along with it. Once I got there, I stood outside for a good few minutes before a doctor came out. I wanted to talk to him first.

"Is he alright? Is he gonna be ok?" I asked.

"Yes. He's doing just fine. He just woke up but I think it'll be a long time before he fully recovers. Who are you again?" The doctor asked.

"I'm his boyfriend. I got the call from his parents who told my parents who told me. They don't have my number so yeah." I said.

"Well you can go in whenever you would like." He said with a smile as he walked off. I turned around back towards the door and put my hand on the handle. I turned it and pushed the door open, expecting some kind of reaction from mainly his parents but nothing. They were too focused talking to Steven to noticed me. I went in further an let the door behind me close softly. I walked so I was in Steven's eyesight and his eyes noticably widened as soon as he saw me.

"S-Steven?" I asked. Nobody said anything for a little bit.

"Kevin, how did you even get in here? The ICU is for family and close people only." Jerome said.

"I may have kinda lied and said that I was his boyfriend." I replied.

"You what? After all this you say that he's your boyfriend? You broke him Kevin! His heart did die but luckily the doctors here are great at their job and saved him before he was fully gone. After all that, you come in here saying that you're dating him even though it's been two years since you broke his heart? How selfish are you?" Jerome asked.

"Look Jerome, I know I may seem selfish but in all honest I'm not. It was my fault for not pushing that girl off of me two years ago and once I saw Steven and after we had that arguement, I didn't know what to think. After that I was invited by then Eddie, Aleks, and Ze who later left the group to date Anthony. We teased them everyday about being gay and during that I felt awful but still did it. After a year we all started to smoke. One a month, then one a week, then one a day, and now at least two or three a day. I always did more because I was always stressed about being with them and betraying Steven. When my dad told me that Steven overdosed and cut himself, I came rushing here as fast as I could to see him because, in all honesty, I love you Steven. Always have and always will. I know you may not take me back and I would understand why but just know that I do love you." I said. I was out of breath at the end but it all had to be said.

"Come here Kevin." I heard Steven say. I pushed past both of his angry but surprised parents to see Steven, laying down in the bed with neddles in his arms plus scars as well from cuts.

"Yeah Steven?" I asked.

"I love you too. I know it's been a while but, I'm willing to take a chance if you are. I'm sorry about this. Everything was getting into my head and I didn't know what to do or how to control myself. I will be glad to try again if you are willing as well." He said. I grabbed his hand and held it in both of mine.

"I'm gladly able to take that chance." I said. He smiled as I leaned over him and started to lean in. I stopped a bit short to feel his hot breath on my lips. I closed my eyes and closed the gap between us. It seemed, magical. I no longer felt deprived or depressed. I no longer felt a hole in my heart or mind and all I needed as Steven to fill it. I was oblivious to it for the past two and a half years and I've now finally figured it out. I'm 17 and I've figured it out and what I needed to fill the empty space that was in my heart, mind, and hands.

I could see light of colors instead of dark and black. I knew it might be a while before I quit smoking and Steven quit taking drugs or cutting but I know it'll take a long time for us to fully and completely heal, we need each other. 

I can now say f*ck Eddie, and f*ck Aleks. I'm gay and I'm proud of it. I know Aleks feels something for Eddie but he needs to step it up since they're in their Senior year and they're going to separate colleges. I parted from Steven and stared at him in the eyes. His eyes seemed to gain hope, light, confidence, happiness, and so much more back in them like they were when we were 14 and in love at that time.

"Well then. I see how it is. We know this may be hard for both of you but I think with time it'll all be better in the end."

"The dragon's den." Mitch sang. 

"Mah gawd Mitch. You know I love it when you sing that." Jerome said.

"Hey, no PDA." I joked. We all laughed and I said good-bye to Steven since they were kicking me out since I wasn't real family and went home. I got a text from Eddie though on my way home.

'E: Yo Kev! Where r u?'
'K: I was visiting family in the hospital. Won't be over tonight.'
'E: U suk but ok. C ya tomorrow!'

Yeah, you'll see me holding Steven's hand as we walk down the halls not tomorrow but hopefully next week. It'll be torture but I can't wait to see him again. I got home to see that everyone has gone to bed except my dad.

"So, did you fix everything?" My dad asked.

"Give me one moment. I need to do something really quickly." I said. I ran upstairs and turned on my computer and went to the bathroom. I ran the water a washed away the eye liner I had on. After that I entered my password and went on Facebook to change my profile pic to me without make-up and my status from single to in a relationship. I went back downstairs where my dad still was and he noticed me and smiled.

"I'm guessing that's a yes?" He asked.

"Yep. It may be hard to quit the habits I've picked up over the years but I know you saw what I did with Facebook so you know that rest." I said.

"Yep. Now, go to bed. It's late and you have school tomorrow. I expect to see other colors besides black tomorrow morning." He said. 

"Don't worry. You will. Night dad." I said and went upstairs and to bed. 

And there's that chapter! It's soooo sweet! AHHH! If you liked this chapter please make sure to leave a like/vote as well as comment down below saying that you liked it plus the answer to the QOC which is: What is your favorite Minecraft mod that you yourself has played or someone has done a review/minigame with? Comment down below as well as follow me if you're new and I will talk to you all later! BYE!! :D

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